I keep playing it. I wasn’t getting as much lag tonight which was cool. I turned off the background music. I don't know if that is what fixed it but it may have helped.
Been playing a bit of CVS 2 today...
Uh Oh
Gabe's thinking about taking back that Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO Mega what's-it-called. I guess it really got his knickers in a twist.
RTCW: Enemy Territory
We've been waiting for a game to bring everybody back into a nightly FPS, and I was sort of hoping that Enemy Territory would do it. I was curious about co-op play in the single-player component, but that probably goes without saying.
You might have noticed our cerulean reptile there on the right. The reptile in question is meant to draw your attention to the Ubercon event, taking place this very weekend.
Advertising and such
I would like to invite anyone who has a game, or anything really that you think would be a good fit for Penny Arcade to contact our ad man and see if we can't work something out. We've had everything from web comics to Grand Theft Auto in that slot over there and so far everyone's been happy with the results. We don't do flash ads or pop ups or any of that crap and we don't put anything up there unless we honestly think it's worth promoting. So send our man Robert an e-mail if you're interested.
Here are some pictures from the Seattle Comic Con last weekend. Thanks to everyone who stopped by. We had a blast and we are really looking forward to hitting some more cons this year.
Crescent Fresh
Gabriel, as a rule, is not in the business of liking things. I suppose it was only a matter of time from his initial, uncharacteristic fascination to the unceremonious sloughing off, but this is not an activity without historical synonym. In case you are wondering, yes. For breakfast, I just tear pages out of the Thesaurus and eat them.
Well, Shit
Safety Monkey has posted everything I was going to say about MoO3 on his own site, and I am at a loss to add anything. We've had many, many discussions about the game, and the fruits of those discussions have clearly nourished his end product.
'Stalk' As A Double Entendre
Jack Ass
Don't listen to him, he is a cock. You should totally come down and see us.
You Know
Or don't.
Don’t forget to come see us Sunday at the Seattle Comic Con!
just look at it
The Hook Up
A new edition of the Hookup is now available. Stormy answers some more of your home theatre related questions so be sure and check it out.
Thursday night Halo
Thursday night Halo continues to be a weekly event for team Penny Arcade. There's usually around thirty or so people there every Thursday. Among that group there is a team of gentlemen who I believe are ranked somewhere around third in the state. These guys are absolute monsters at this game and playing against them is what the French call "a fucking bitch". Often times team Penny Arcade is broken in half, a few of us placed with each team as a sort of handicap or anchor. In fact, boxes with PA players on them are referred to as bricks.