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In Agricultural News

By Tycho – January 13, 2003

I don't know if you guys have heard about this new Pirate corn they've got now.

More pirate jokes

By Gabe – January 13, 2003

A kid dresses up as a pirate for Halloween. He goes up to a woman's house. She answers the door. He says "Trick or treat." and She replies "Ahoy there, pirate. Where are your Buccaneers?" He says "There on my bucking head, you bucking idiot!"

Pirate jokes

By Gabe – January 13, 2003

Pirate walks into a bar. The bartender says “Hey you’ve got a steering wheel in your crotch.” The pirate says “Arrrr it’s driving me nuts.”

Last Thing (Maybe)

By Tycho – January 13, 2003

Did you guys hear about that new Pirate movie?


I Forgot

By Tycho – January 13, 2003

My man Pork mentioned this Star Wars fan-film that I thought you might like. I'm not saying you'll agree with one hundred percent of the presentation, but I'd be hard pressed to find fault with the saber fight.

Sweet And Sour

By Tycho – January 13, 2003

Chinese food is such a critical element of our operation here that I'm surprised it doesn't come up more often. It's fundamental, and these exotic dishes inform everything we do. This strip takes place in just such a... place.

Tao Feng

By Gabe – January 11, 2003

Tycho and I were invited out to see some new games over at Microsoft today. I live like fifteen minutes from them so it's not like they had to fly our asses out or anything. Tycho said we were going to see Brute Force and get a free lunch so I was super excited. When we got there they told us we were going to see Tao Feng and get a free lunch. I am not sure if Tycho knew this all along or not but I would not be surprised. Anyway the free lunch was still a reality so I decided to stick around. I am pretty glad I did too because Tao Feng ended up being pretty cool. I am getting ahead of myself though. Let me tell you what it's like when you go to one of these things.


I am sorry for the inconvenience.

By Gabe – January 10, 2003

Some people love it, some people hate it. For those of you that hate it, I will not be using the new style anymore on Penny Arcade. I love it but it just isn’t PA. For those of you that like it, I will be using the new style for Over Easy and any other side projects we might do. So it’s not like you will never see me draw this way again.


By Tycho – January 10, 2003

It's fine and everything, but there's all these people out there playing Master of Orion III, and none of them are named Tycho. Or Jerry.


By Tycho – January 10, 2003

There's a multiplayer beta out now for IGI2, and it's pretty neat. The most easy way to describe it would be "an amplified Counterstrike." The most difficult way to describe it would be without using adjectives.


By Tycho – January 10, 2003

This one is mostly about cats. Mostly.


The S to the W to the Etc.

By Tycho – January 8, 2003

Oh, I think Lucasarts and Verant are as worried as anybody else about their game turning out like Everquest. That's why they brought in new blood and have entertained some very forward thinking play concepts.


By Gabe – January 8, 2003

A few people have asked to see a larger version of the middle panel from today’s strip, minus the test box. So here it is.


By Gabe – January 8, 2003

I got a lot of really good responses to my idea for an official Penny Arcade Guilty Gear XX tourney here in the Seattle area. At first I thought it would just be a local thing but some of you have emailed saying you are willing to make the trip from as far away as Southern California. It seems to me like this could be a shit hot event if we can pull it off. Once I have more info like when and where it will be I will create a special website just for the tourney. I am also going to try and get in touch with the guys over at and see if they can offer some advice since they have a lot of experience setting up these kinds of events.

Minus The Pope And A Rabbi

By Tycho – January 8, 2003

I thought that I had uploaded the comic, but I also thought I was a ninja for a time, which culminated in a grievous leg injury. The strip is up now, for reals this time.