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Energy Crisis

I think I would like to see Naughty Dog's Seattle; it was cool to see what they did with the place in inFAMOUS. The Playstation is the platform you go to for dire visions of the city I live in, apparently. But I honestly can't think of anything I need less than The Last Of Us 2 right now. I see trailers and clips and shit and it's a lot of wet sounds and incredibly intimate knife violence. No. Just, fuckin'... no.

The Fruit Of The Earth

Brenna always asks me what I want to do for Father's Day, and the answer is always "nothing." Not because I want to sit, wholly inert, in some kind of Sith meditation chamber, but because I spend most days hyperventilating deep in the gulf between my potential and my manifested actions. So I'm gonna do the sorts of things I usually do, the only difference is I'm not going to feel bad the whole time.


It's all true! Well, I guess it depends on what you're asking. It's not true that a lobster can become president. But if you're asking if PAX is going Online this year, something like a… PAX Online, well, that's all true. And you already have a ticket! Nice; those can be hard to get.


We need to consider the idea that EA - when it comes to their stewardship of the Star Wars IP - is starting to get it:



The most recent season of Destiny has pulled me back in after months away. I really like the public events and the new exotic Witherhoard is an absolute blast. No matter what I intend to do when I get back into Destiny, I always end up spending the vast majority of my time playing Crucible. As it stands, I’m up until midnight most nights in the capture and hold playlist. The ability for the Witherhoard to lock out zones with it’s AOE really makes this mode fresh. I have to admit that I do not understand the Drifter’s new engram system at all. I guess I’m collecting twisted energy and altered elemental trace overrides so that I can level up my umbral decoder, the efficacy of which is directly determined by the overall level of my prismatic recaster. Or something like that. 


Deep Sight

I can never figure out if VR is a thing or not. I know a lot of people who make games, so I'm glad that - at least for a time - platforms and publishers got it into their heads that they should give those people money to chart and contextualize that trackless expanse. But I also saw the back half of it, where even a multiplatform VR game built on a globally revered license can't pay for itself. So, you take that money because you're not, like… dumb, but it's typically not going to build any kind of stability for you long term. These are the calculations.


We literally just got done with math. If you have a triangle you need the dimensions of, let me know. It does have to be a right triangle. If you have another kind of incorrect triangle whose mysteries you're trying to pierce, I can't help you. Okay. Newspost time.

Pit Crew

I’ve been working on upping the production value of our Gabir Motors streams. So far, I’ve made the waiting screen slightly more fancy. Dabe is currently working on a custom intro and overlay for these streams that I am sure will be amazing. In the meantime, I have added some cool sounds and drawings. I’ve had a few requests from the Pit Crew for a high res version of the new waiting screen art. Here’s a good look at Gabir Liel and Carson Bolt



I bought Minecraft when it was ten dollars, way way back, but I'm not certain I ever got completely into it. Certainly, I clicked in such a way as to make the game memory resident. I moved the mouse; my left hand made the Sign of the Wazdi. And then I mostly watched patch notes for the remaining time. It was a perfect fit for the rise of the YouTuber/Let's Play phenomenon until now it's a culture as much as anything else. I love that it's out there but I am not of it. The most I ever did was play hide and seek with my son when he was very young. We only had two houses at the time, and they each had one room. It wasn't, like... great.

Vitamin T

I am by no means an expert, it could be that this shifts later, but the Minecraft Dungeons Ronia and I are playing here is a Diablo-style ARPG, complete with its little wireframe map, where every piece of equipment has a couple little trees in it that you can explore. And since your character is made up of six or so slots, you can choose which of these paths would work as a whole. She's never seen anything like this, but it's the key to a lot of gaming literacy. What if deckbuilding, but only six card? You'd be surprised what you can pull off.

Failure To Etc

I live my life guided by robust, enlightened, scientific principles. Yes, I do enjoy Rick and Morty. So when I say that the Dragon module didn't deliver human beings to the ISS the other day because one of us was watching it, that's not mysticism. It's not some missive from the Land of Faerie. It's our science, the God we made, saying in a clear voice: "dude don't watch it wtf is wrong with u."