A wooly mix of Dune, Foundation, Catholicism somehow, and a uniquely British voice, the universe that underpins Warhammer 40k is something I can't really pretend to be a neutral observer on. My arc in the space is the same as a cautionary after-school special; I tried some at a party in 1993 and I have had a fever for the flavor ever since. Licensed excursions into the setting have a dodgy reputation; there's a lot of big ideas here and a unique voice that requires sort of a deft hand to execute. Games like Gladius, Mechanicus, and surprisingly the mobile game Tacticus all prove it can be done - basically, if it ends with -us it seems like we're in the clear. Shockingly, I never played the original Space Marine; I was nervous. I get this way sometimes about things I like. Space Marine 2, though? This is legit. I can understand why you might not want to take my word for it. But there's an inverse here, too - if it passes my test? Frankly, the game goes so fucking hard, so dense with real lore and crazy words, I don't know if it will mint new fans or repel them! That's how true it is.