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The Hour Is Ripe

My policy is always to push things a very small amount past where it is reasonable or even, like… good. Have you ever eaten a burrito, like a Taco Truck type burrito wrapped in foil, and at the very end sometimes you take a bite with real enthusiasm and occasionally eat some of the foil. But there is a portion of the burrito which is inextricable from the foil by that point, it has suffused it such that only the truly bold may enter this rare and refined Mouth Palace.


Down Deep

What a fun trip to the dentist. The right side of my head is an infinite, furrowed perturbation, sown with thousands of abraded teeth. The left side of my head is the anchor that keeps me from leaving the Earth.

Fish Are Friends

I like comics when I read them but I always forget they are there. I'm not trying to speak with insufficient reverence, I'm just a finite creature. However it came to be, I've always been around artists for some reason and they've kept me up to date with stuff but I can't pretend to any kind of true membership in the sanctum.

God Help Me

It was Ryan that first let me in on the Brawl Stars thing, then I got in there, and now Gabriel has invested himself in it and statistically lapped me several times.



I think that, rather than being arch about the whole thing, the right call is to laud Gabriel's Krynn Excursion. First of all, like Hamburger Helper, it occupies a valuable midpoint between homemade and store-bought. You can partake in the camaraderie and industry of a working kitchen with greater frequency because portions of the toil have been commodified. I don't know every aspect of his life but I know that Gabriel is a grown-ass man who has to do a bunch of time consuming shit nobody appreciates, and nurturing some kind of Mind World other people can inhabit isn't always gonna happen.

Happy New Year!

The year is coming to an end and I wanted to take a look back at the games I really enjoyed in 2018. This is not a top ten list and these are in no particular order. Here’s my favorite games of 2018 and where I played them.

Doctor Krynn

I run home games for Elliot and Ronia both, very different ones: Elliot's is a D&D romp that is like a whimsical take on the Pied Piper, except the parents are pulled away and they have to figure out their shit. They have a powergamer who likes wants to interrogate, torture, and slit throats while the rest of them use their skills and powers to steal as much candy as possible. Ronia's game is a Tales from the Loop campaign set in Aberdeen at the precipice of grunge. They are... quite different.

The Impossible Kid

Gift giving between Growlithe and myself typically does not involves gifts - let alone the giving of them. We are like an old married couple that has decided that their are rich enough in their union that any gift would be redundant because the greatest gift of all - love - is one they share daily.


Everybody, Everybody

I found a lot of great games at PAX Unplugged, and a surprising percentage of them have actually managed to enter proper rotation. My daughter Ronia and I have tested them all, and if we want to play them more than once, that's when other people get the nod.

A Custom Hell

We thought it would be fun, embedded in the heart of the Blizzard campus, to try and make up a couple Overwatch heroes in the afternoon. What we did not expect was to be doing this alongside Arnold Tsang, a man whose work you've been steeped in for years even of you didn't know that he was its origin coordinate.

PAX South Indie Showcase!

Most PAX shows have a space carved out to shine a light on independent talent - and PAX South is even more novel, as it focuses exclusively on heroism in the tabletop space. What can you expect to see at the show? Glinting treasure such as this!