There’s a good chance you’ll see some news about Ron Gilbert working on our game popping up today. I believe a press release has gone out to all the major game news type places. The press release covers all the basics about how Ron is a pioneer in the adventure game genre and how he was the co-creator of the Monkey Island series. I just wanted to share a quick personal note about the story.
We had our first meeting with Ron pretty early in the design process. Tycho and I were getting the story fleshed out and we had some ideas about the design and over all pace of the game. We laid it all out for Ron and then he picked up a whiteboard marker and started teaching class. I’m not sure how many people can say they got a game design 101 course taught by Ron Gilbert, but that’s exactly what Tycho and I got that day. His insights into the way you move the player through an interactive story so that they get to explore the world but don’t loose the narrative were incredible. He was drawing diagrams and helping us really visualize the game in a way that had never even occurred to us. We’re ridiculously lucky to have him on board and helping us with On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One.
You’ll actually be getting another pretty in-depth look at the game towards the end of this month. I can’t really give anymore details right now but I think most people will be pleasantly surprised with the progress. In the meantime here’s another bit of concept art. This was drawn by me and colored by Imaginary friends studios.

-Gabe out