MC Frontalot, Penny Arcade's rapper laureate, has comitted himself to the rigors of a tour. Is he playing near you? Maaaaybe. There is also a documentary being produced to chronicle his struggles etc., and for a taste of the aforementioned there is a torrent for the trailer here.
Also, for New York fans of The Front, he is apparently having some kind of signing. Observe:
"Front is doing a public meet & greet at Forbidden Planet comics in NYC (Broadway & 13th). Everyone who shows up can put one word on a list and then on the bus ride home he will write a rap that has all the words in it. Later, he will make a recording of it. Also, the person who puts in the best word (judge of best word: Front, duh) gets a signed Penny Arcade Expo 2005 DVD. There will be shirts and CDs too."
My goodness! Our little Front, he is all growed up.

April 28, 2006