Some stores tell you that they “have a warehouse, nut they don’t make you shop in it.” Well we have a warehouse and we do make you shop in it. We are opening the doors on October 22nd and slashing prices! Tycho and I will be there along with most of the PA crew. We will have big discounts as well as some out of print and hard to get stuff.
Probably Not
You'll need some basic information to get the most out of the strip; I won't even link it yet. The main thing you need to do is to get your mitts on the demo for Burnout Crash. Get it right away. Oh, you've already played it? You're licensed for strip viewing. If not, you need to go get it. You need to play Rush Hour.
Try Our Decrepit Foot-Rags
The reason the electrified parts of the world have not ground to halt altogether is that the Diablo III beta includes only subset of a percentage of a portion of a slice of a morsel of the first part of the game. Well, we have been there, we have done that. And we've gotten the boots.
Burnout Crash
I picked up Burnout Crash this weekend and could not put it down. I’m serious, I downloaded it at about 10:00am and at 9:00 at night Kara and I were still playing it. We needed to get the house cleaned that day so we played in shifts. While she did a couple levels I would vacuum the family room. Then I would play a few levels and she cleaned up the kitchen. Gabe was out at a birthday party all afternoon so we only had to neglect the baby. By the end of the day we had racked up 192 stars.
Dominion Sans Bullshit
You can now play Dominion without facing in a particular direction or making an obeisance to (insert god here).
Technically It's Gung Fou
It's very strange, being an old person. You have to constantly remind yourself that a lot of the rules that seemed incredibly useful at one point are dumb, or were always so, or were phantom exertions from someone else's hierarchy. Also, if you want to take Karate for some reason, or no reason, and if you can find a half an hour somewhere, you can probably do it.
Get The Merch In Firefall (Apparently)!
They gave me a chance to write The Merch into the fiction, and I didn't pass on it - it actually woks, in a weird way, and bears within it a dark secret. In any event, they're running a referral thingy you can use to get a Merch pet.
New Store Stuff
Brian wanted me to mention a few new items from the mercantile wing, and I'm only too happy to do so. One may receive $5 off any poster simply by leveraging this powerful code: L2P2011. Good 'til the end of month, perfect for covering up that scored portion of the wall or door you've been practicing on with your ninja stars. There are also SHIRTS! Plural.
The Backyard
Every now and then, Dominion - the new gametype for League of Legends - pops up in the matchmaker. If you hear that this has happened, you want to be in there. The queue might be, like, forty minutes. Log in, and then do some laundry. Sand a neighbor's deck. Then, come back and see where this genre goes next.
Drawing Live Right Now!
You Got Your Bas In My Relief
As a generality, a game's "writer" has a task similar to a composer for film: they "score" the game, a game that is already in various stages of completion, using language.
Booking Facewise
There's a Facebook distillation of Fourth Edition Dungeons and/or Dragons that could be much, much worse than it is. That may seem like it's not a compliment, but given the grotesqueries that have writhed beneath that tarnished banner the improvement is almost incalculable.
La Vida Vita
This isn't just true of the Vita, of course, this battery stuff; if anyone actually played their 3DS for any length of time, I suspect they'd come away similarly despondent, pressing buttons which don't do anything and looking at a screen which is connected to nothing.
Work Ethics
Gabriel and Kara have been investing themselves in Crimson Alliance, investing of themselves and perhaps even of their holdings. They will even farm old levels, trying to use the game's combo system to secure incredible virtual wealth. It's got the hooks in, apparently.
Live Drawing starting at 1:30 PST
Corvis Table
Back during PAX East I was checking out the table top area and saw a group of guys around an incredible Warmachine Table. It turns out these guys called themselves At-Large gamers and making bad ass tables was their hobby. I was so impressed by their work that I asked if I could commission them to build a table for my group. They agreed and we started kicking around ideas.