Blood And Oil. Part Four. One more to go.

Blood And Oil. Part Four. One more to go.
I've got more blood for you, and also more oil, in the ongoing series we're calling Blood And Oil - here's part three. This is a guest work; we did not draw or write this. I'm not entirely certain we could.
The new Episode of PATV went up on Friday, but I forgot to link it, because my mind body connection had been severed. It is good, and funny, and good! Please to enjoy. Also, strip's up as well. It's fucking incredible.
It may be wise if, going forward, you think of the ongoing Blood & Oil series as something which needs to slow roast; the strip will be here, but the RSS feed will be your best friend regarding updates to the site. Once again: Blood & Oil is an Automata story written by Gary Whitta and powerfully realized by Ben Caldwell. It's in five parts, running all this week and into next Monday. Buckle up.
Today marks the debut of a guest Automata "event," drawn by the incomparable Ben Caldwell and "Book of Eli" scribe Gary Whitta. We don't have any right to talent like this, and giving the site over to them for a week or so will probably get you accustomed to work of genuine quality, at which point they will usurp us and we will have to get new jobs.
The room scenario described in the strip is brutally mega-real. My response was to haul out the big guns. Actually, it's my policy to leverage the big guns exclusively. I had a few little guns for awhile, and I sent them back. "Won't be needing these," I said.
Gabriel specializes in names like "Mantis Eaglehawk," that is to say, names that puncture the carefully calibrated drama of their setting. He has retained Dudefella lo these many years, long enough for me to substitute "Du'defaella" in my mind whenever I see it, with its notes of an elven upbringing grimmed with the dust of prophecy.
Seriously, all kinds of shit. We've got the new Mosey shirt, Wolfman/Dracula, some some new Automata stuff as well.
It's a 4th Panel, and it's more or less about what happens when things go wrong.
This holiday's Harry Potter offering forgoes the Grand Theft Hogwarts/campus crawling adventure for something like third-person cover shooter, which I have heard alternately called "Order of the Marcus Fenix" or "Gears of Wand." I am not without affection for Harry Potter, and I like Video Games, but I've only played a couple hours total of products set in the universe which I'm sure must strike them as odd. It's just that they've never given me a game I want to play all the way through.
I had a dream the other night that we decided to hold PAX in a huge field this year. It seemed like a good idea for some reason but when we got there it was raining and everyone was all wet. Then I looked down and I had no pants. These sorts of dreams tell me that PAX is coming up pretty quick.
When Christian Bale was recorded in the middle of some kind of aggressive territorial display, we queued it up expressly to be titillated but ultimately came away sympathetic. It's possible that every moment of his "presentation" won't be to your liking, but as someone who attempts to communicate for a living (and also, as someone who is married to an actor) that shit isn't exactly a joke. Actors are incredibly weird people, they tap into a pervasive band of shamanic data, and when they're tuning in some kind of anguished spirit you probably just want to stay the fuck away from them.
I don't know exactly how prevalent "Sony Style" stores are. I know of exactly one in my town, and one in another town. If you have one close, if such a thing exists, you should certainly make it a point to penetrate their outer defenses and watch their astounding 3D demo reel. I've seen plenty of demos for 3D televisions, really quite a lot of them, and they've never managed to accomplish what this one did.
What I think is probably the best, best, best Blamimation yet can be found by clicking here.
As seen here.
Blizzard's RealID thing didn't make any sense to me, but that's because I was relying on the official message to get a sense of it's purpose. It's a much more straightforward when you read the article at USAToday's Game Hunters entitled "Blizzard and Facebook's friendly social networking deal launches with 'StarCraft II'."