Just when the battle of the brands was heating up, things came to abrupt close.
My Tim Biskup Homage
World of Goo Is Now On Greenhouse
It's also available elsewhere, but I really wanted it on there.
A Broken Clock
Here is today's comic. It is about LittleBigPlanet. Although I suppose technically it's about the lack of LittleBigPlanet.
More painting stuff
new paintings
Prince of Persia
A Valid Line Of Inquiry
Golden Axe: Beast Rider isn't a good investment, on any axis of assessment. Also, the title is ambiguous.
Spectromancer Is Now On Greenhouse
I've been playing the open beta of Spectromancer for months - even pre-release, it was a game that managed to find its way into any spare moments at the keyboard. A game of wizardly battling (yes!), it combines tactical unit placement with judicious use of clever, wildly varied powers. The strategic depth on display here is something I really urge you to investigate, and I'm honored to have it on Greenhouse. It features a full single-player campaign in addition to hotseat, LAN, and online play.
Brutal Diplomacy
After hearing that some Best Buy stores were breaking the street date for LittleBigPlanet, we indulged in a fantasy that we would enter that infinite blue cube and secure one for ourselves. Calling the store, the young man on the other end informed us that, yes, they had like a hundred and fifty of the Goddamned things, and no, they weren't selling them.
What? New Garments?!
Yes, it's true.
The Breaking Point
The costume here referenced is a real thing, and conversations about canon and apocrypha as they relate to children's garb generated the strip. Without going into cloying, interminable detail, being a father is pretty fucking sweet.
The Deluge
Looking over the month's releases is an act that contains within it a densely-packed cluster of nightmare seeds. If you are willing to project forward even just to the Fourth of November, a not unreasonable assertion, the terror is only magnified further. Assuming you are agnostic in your platform ownership, the grisly scene is further amplified. The particulars of this hellish, custom dreamscape largely depend on what you're into.
Link painting
The Great Divide
Review guides that arrive with a pre-release game aren't terribly uncommon. There's no guarantee who will end up with the packet at most places, and there's an attempt on the part of the publisher to inoculate itself from worst-case scenarios by including a picture of the game controller with every function mapped to it. They want to make sure the reviewer picks up the right thing, and doesn't attempt to play their game with a stapler or a snowglobe.
Fallout 3 comic
I just wanted to make a quick post and let you all know that our Fallout 3 comic wrapped up yesterday. You can now head over to the official site and read the entire storyline.