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By Gabe – May 2, 2008

I tried to record all of yesterday's show but it got cut off for some reason. You can still see the entire inking process and a good chunk of the coloring. There should be another show this afteroon when I draw Monday's comic.


By Gabe – May 2, 2008

People tend to either really like PA or absolutely hate it. I've met very few people who are "on the fence" about what we do here. We're really just lucky that enough people enjoy fruit fuckers and deep crows to let us make a living off this. We always figured that this phenomenon would translate over to the game when review scores started to hit. The first few numbers are just now coming out and it looks like we were right.

Making An Impression

By Tycho – May 2, 2008

This probably happens to everybody. Next time we're late for a date, I think we need to steal a vehicle that doesn't sport such a large, almost inescapable grill.


Important info!

By Gabe – April 30, 2008

Just a quick reminder that May 7th is the deadline for submitting your independent game to the PAX 10. Once we've got all the submissions we'll have our panel of 50 industry experts digest them until we're left with 10 stand out titles. Those ten will then be showcased at PAX 2008. For all the details hit the PAX 10 site located here.


By Tycho – April 30, 2008

I discovered yesterday that lunch is not a meal, as I had originally understood, but is in fact a form of currency.

PA TV going live

By Gabe – April 29, 2008

Live stream starting up in about 10min. I'll record today's in case you can't catch the live show.

Life Strategies

By Tycho – April 28, 2008

Grand Theft Auto - like Gran Turismo - is a game that we have a difficult time integrating into our consciousness. Gran Turismo got this way by being an uncompromising simulation of something we don't care about, a blisteringly high-resolution image of a ketchup packet or a strip of bark. Ketchup fans and bark enthusiasts are going nuts, they'll pay forty dollars for part of the image. I played the second one a million years ago, earned enough money to wash my virtual car, and then quit the series forever.



By Tycho – April 25, 2008

A white box with a black skid mark appeared at the office on Wednesday, sharp with the ozone bite of innumerable blue sparks. I could go on like this for awhile, as you are probably quite aware. We could explore a whole range of olfactory stimuli. Let me slice through it: Playing the new Mario Kart online is a narcotic experience. We passed this Goddamned wheel around for an hour, shouting and laughing, watching a globe whirl on the screen to show us which wicked nations harbored our hated foes.

Le Twittre

By Tycho – April 23, 2008

Readers asked that Gabriel construct a Twitter to let them know when he was starting up a new broadcast, and in the course of this he was exposed to the sort of thing that Twitter is often used for: identifying which condiment you have recently applied. We considered a universe where my cohort was addicted to Twitter's method of consciousness collection, and were horrified by the result.

PA TV going live

By Gabe – April 22, 2008

I'll be turning on the live stream here in a couple minutes. If you'd like to watch me draw tomorrow's comic you can tune in here.



By Gabe – April 21, 2008

Everyone seems to like the PA TV idea. I still have some bugs to work out regarding the lag on my end but I have some ideas to fix that. Also the program doesn't seem to stream correctly on the PA page but it does work on the actual Ustream page. I'm not sure about that one yet but I'll do some research.

Thoroughly Scientific

By Tycho – April 21, 2008

Review copies of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon arrived in the mail last Friday, but you needn't fear: it won't enslave the entire site as other franchise excursions have in the past. The games themselves (delivered in pairs, as is their mercenary way) conform to a roguelike + munchkins paradigm that we should be able to steel ourselves against. I suppose it should be noted that "steel" is one of the seventeen elemental types of Pokémon.

Shows over people

By Gabe – April 18, 2008

**Okay, the show is over and I think it went really well. I recorded this episode so if you could not watch it live you can see the entire thing here.

PA TV going LIVE

By Gabe – April 18, 2008

I'll be starting the comic at about 1:30 PST. I'm going to test out the record feature this time so I should be able to save the entire thing if you can't log on for the live stream. Sometimes the page I set up doesn't seem to stream correctly. If it's not working for you try the Ustream site for the show located here.