Gabriel took Spider-Man 3 home over the weekend, in the hopes that further digestion would reveal the title's hidden nutrition. You have to understand how strange this is: you don't get a second chance from him, ever. I know that if I fail him even once, I'll be replaced by some other writer - one whose love for commas is, perhaps, insufficient.
The Broodax Etcetera
We picked up Spider-Man 3 on Friday - for the Playstation 3, as it features some unique Sixaxis content - and immediately had cause to regret the purchase. The long initial install preceded a game that was too much unchanged from its predecessor, in addition to often being ugly and running poorly. Like Star Wars: Battlefront and Enter the Matrix before it, well timed "brand synergy" products aimed to pierce the market, there will be no great reckoning for its grave sins. In fact, the result will be quite the opposite.
Downloadable Content
The Broodax Imperiate
Even those who are not big into table gaming have often heard of Settlers of Catan. With over twelve million copies of the game sold worldwide, it's often used by crafty tabletop proponents to lure non-gamers with its colorful tiles and straightforward, intensely social systems. The digital version, developed by staunch devotees over at Big Huge Games and delivered via Live Marketplace, is a deeply reverent execution of the original.
Downloadable Content
PAX 2007
PAX 2007 is creeping up on us and I’ve got another batch of info about this year’s show to share with you.
The Lidless Eye
Eye of Judgement - Sony's unbearably compelling CCG, played with the upcoming Playstation Eye peripheral - may be the most niche product ever conceived. A constructible deck card game that requires a custom camera and a six hundred dollar gaming console to interpret it, "niche" may be insufficient to describe the tight, sunless, deep sea crevice such a product might reside in. Not that it matters to me, of course: I am the pale white lobster that makes such cracks his home.
Unique Fauna
Re-instituting a serious play schedule is going to take a couple days, but already our forays have proven useful: behold! We met a crazy person! After making these statements, he assured us that he was (in fact) "Stable." It's funny how asserting one's stability tends to create the opposite impression.
And Also
I'm certain that people expected me to post these links, and those expectations compel me with a terrible power.
One: Aquarian Age Alternative, this arcade/CCG/thing from Japan, is beyond language. At least, it's beyond the English language. There may be some ancient language yet spoken that still holds the power to contain it.
Two: Eye of Judgment, a realspace card game that uses the recently announced Playstation Eye, IS FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE
I feel as though a great weight has been lifted.
Rainbow Six
With the new maps and modes out, we're getting back in. That restaurant level is hot - and I don't just mean the kitchen.
The trouble is that much of our friends list has moved on to other games (Gears and Guitar Hero mostly), so we're doing a little housecleaning on the roster and trying to get new people in there. Are you still playing R6? Send an invite to either Gabe or Tycho - optimally one or the other, to make the most of the limited size of the friends list.
Team Inferno is waiting.
Odin Sphere just added a bunch of Odin Sphere videos. I’ve spent a lot of time with this game over the past couple days and it continues to impress. I hit an especially hard level yesterday in the Winterhorn Mountain zone. This is a snowy mountain full of yetis and angry ice monsters. Just to give you an idea of how deep this “brawler” is let me tell you the strategy I ended up using to get through this level.
I understand that Eric Nylund drops Halo fiction much sharper than one might expect, but after a youth singed by Forgotten Realms product I retain a healthy fear of the tie-in novel. Command & Conquer is the next franchise to receive the treatment, this time from Keith R. A. DeCandido - the strange force known as KRAD. I'm not familiar with the man's work, but there is rather a lot of it, and much of it tasked with distilling an existing brand into explosive paperback fiction.
Yesterday I mentioned that Todd Goldman had started unleashing his lawyers on sites that were posting about his latest act of thievery. He wanted all slanderous material taken down. This from a guy who's initial reaction to the accusation was to call the guy he stole from a pedophile.
Sphere Factor
More often than not, review copies either collect in a pile by the door for trade-in or they're used as prizes at PAX. I'm aware that this is sort of rude, but we have our own opinions on which games warrant advocacy. As yesterday's news was a thin, absolutely homogenous gruel, we turned to a reviewable copy of Odin Sphere received earlier in the week. It was poking out from beneath a chair leg and it took some time to find.
Todd Goldman is lame
You might remember Tycho mentioning Todd Goldman and a story about him stealing some artwork from a web cartoonist. We covered it in a comic and a post and our point of view was essentially “yeah it sucks but you can’t sue the guy for being a douche bag.” I would have left it at that except, well the latest development in the whole ordeal is actually super funny. It’s important to point out that Todd’s initial response to the article about his thievery was to call Dave Kelly a Pedophile. I’m not joking here he actually said “Here’s my inspiration! Every month I paint the works of a pedophile.” The letter goes on and it’s obvious that he’s just being a smart ass and blowing the whole thing off. Honestly I chuckled at the letter when I read it because (being a professional asshole myself) I thought it was a funny way to respond to the accusations. However, if you call someone a pedophile in a public forum you can’t turn around a few weeks later and threaten to sue that same forum for slander.