I get weird mail all the time. I thought this exchange was especially bizarre. Keep in mind I have no fucking clue who this guy is or what he's talking about.
from: Landon ****
to: gabriel@penny-arcade.com
date: Jun 12, 2007 10:47 PM
subject: hey
from: gabriel@penny-arcade.com
to: Landon ****
date: Jun 12, 2007 10:55 PM
subject: Re: hey
no fuck you
from: Landon ****
to: gabriel@penny-arcade.com
date: Jun 12, 2007 11:05 PM
subject: Re:hey
well done. i absolutely hate you.
from: gabriel@penny-arcade.com
to: Landon ****
date: Jun 12, 2007 11:24 PM
subject: Re: hey
I will cry myself to sleep tonight on a huge pile of money.
from: Landon ****
to: gabriel@penny-arcade.com
date: Jun 12, 2007 11:55 PM
subject: please read and reply to...thanks.
well dude...i'm gonna take what you told me for the truth. i'm now loggin'
off my buddies account (he didn't want me to, but he finally left so now i'm
gonna), cuz i want to trust you. i feel that although you "hacked" my
account, you were the genius who made the program work and were also the
genius who figured out how to make it possible to have a great chance of
getting away with it, lol. therefore, as a person who respects the shit
outta someone with a brain, i feel that i owe you at LEAST the respect of
trusting you one last time and giving you a chance to show your true worth
by being a man of his word.
again, kudos to you for what you have accomplished. bill gates should watch
the fuck out for you, lol. you're a genius...and you definitely are a master
of your work.
Landon (aka Maltidian Versaille in Guild Wars)