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Good God

By Tycho – March 19, 2007

After listening to the album Illinois, I had the feeling that there should, perhaps, be some kind of licensing requirement for instrument ownership.  Playing God of War II gave us a similar feeling. This isn't entirely fair, and I'm aware of that, but the power of the game on an artistic and technical level constitutes a challenge to an entire industry.  

Unfair Business Practices

By Tycho – March 16, 2007

We were hungry, and that usually affects the strip, but the Girl Scout in the comic is a real person who probably has her troop or squad or whatever set up for life.  The other girls should probably just go home - I think Jenny's got them covered this year.

The Other Foot

By Tycho – March 14, 2007

Denis Dyack is still smarting over previews of Too Human written last year regarding a demo he admits was bad, and in EGM's most recent podcast he takes an opportunity to interrogate one of the men responsible. He spends the second hour of the podcast making a series of completely unsourced and unverifiable claims about his product, which - after having been browbeaten for the first hour - his gentle hosts are understandably reluctant to analyze.


By Gabe – March 12, 2007

So last week I posted the new artwork I did for our game. I colored that one myself but I also passed the inks over to Imaginary Friends Studios. They’ve done tons of work for comics and games but we actually met them because of their work on UFS. At the same time we were crating the Penny Arcade UFS deck they were doing all the artwork for the Soul Calibur deck. Tycho actually posted an incredible piece of fan art they sent us at the time.


Ping Pong

By Gabe – March 9, 2007

Kiko’s photos of our ping pong match against Sucker Punch are now up on his Flickr page. Once again I need to say thanks to everyone over there for the games and the pizza. Penny Arcade’s “Team Inferno” got completely destroyed by the Sucker Punch “Rockets” but we still had an awesome time.


By Gabe – March 9, 2007

It went up late yesterday so some of you might have missed it. I made a new wallpaper based on the Penny Arcade game we’re working on. Next week we’ll be releasing a trailer for the game. It sort of introduces the world and shows off some in game action.



By Gabe – March 7, 2007

Tycho is down at GDC today to give some interviews about the Penny Arcade game. I’m not exactly sure what his schedule is like or who he’s talking to. According to Gamespot he’ll be joining them on their “on the spot” show in about 40 minutes (March 8th 4pm PST). He should be sharing some new information about our game, “On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness”.

Eerie In Its Accuracy

By Tycho – March 7, 2007

Today's comic is based on a story we saw at Kotaku, but when I went over there to verify the link the story had been removed altogether. For those of you playing along at home, what that means is that Kotaku

The Armory

By Gabe – March 5, 2007

I don’t know if you’ve been over to the official WOW site recently but they just announced a new feature called the Armory and I’m here to tell you it’s fucking brilliant.

PAX 2007

By Gabe – March 5, 2007

I have two bits of PAX related news to share with you. First up everyone needs to know that early bird registration for the event will end this month. You have until March 31st to get your 3 day pass for the low low price of just $40.


Game Industry -1 Penny Arcade -0

By Gabe – March 5, 2007

Well we had our ping pong match with Sucker Punch last Friday and I must say things did not go well for us. The Sucker Punch “Rockets” lived up to their studio's name and left us with a big old purple shiner. Already there is talk here in the office that our glorious victory march through the game industry is now looking more like a trail of tears.

In The Grim Etcetera

By Tycho – March 5, 2007

I'm glad that we were able to discuss the news of a Warhammer 40k MMO without resorting to apocalyptic threats. I was able to present the idea to him by saying that they were making a Starcraft MMO, but they weren't going to call it Starcraft, and it wasn't being made by Blizzard. He was intrigued, but wary.

Ping Pong

By Gabe – March 2, 2007

Remember our ping pong challenge to the game industry? Well our very first official match is tonight. We’re facing off against Sly Cooper developer Sucker Punch this evening. We’ll be taking some pictures of course. We will share them here on the site of course but they will also be needed as evidence in the coming trial. When we are arrested for manslaughter we’ll need some way to prove that Sucker Punch actually called down this thunder. It was hardly our fault that they could not withstand the whirlwind.

Joy, And Joy Unrelenting

By Tycho – March 2, 2007

I've tried to make the most of the Playstation 3 now that it's set up, and hearing that Tekken 5 would see release on the service yesterday made us dig deeper into their virtual storefront.  This has got to be one of the most careful, convoluted purchase experiences ever engineered. The comic presents it as a conversation, which I suppose each transaction is, at some level - but this is actually how it goes down.