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Yes Souris

By Tycho – February 28, 2007

Robert and Gabriel (who is also called Mike, Michael, Misha briefly, and - though rarely - Mihael) took me out to lunch for my birthday a couple weeks ago, to a place called Von's they had discovered and enjoyed. The past tense of "enjoy" is appropriate here, and not only because this all happened in the past. I'm not sure we'll be eating there again: it turns out that there is an inverse relationship between appetite and the presence of mice.

Les Mots Dangereux

By Tycho – February 26, 2007

The strip is... Well, we have appearances to maintain. But flOw is a beautiful, intuitive experience that the mind returns to hours or days after playing.

Enforcers Assemble!

By Gabe – February 24, 2007

Sorry for the late comic strip today. It was just a little more than I was able to get done in one day. I ended up having to finish it up this morning. I've had some requests for wallpapers of the relief at the top of the Olympus and I'll try and get something like that out.


A rare opportunity

By Gabe – February 21, 2007

Yesterday I made a post about the teenagers that murdered the homeless guy and then blamed it on violent games. These kids have given the media their angle and just like all the other cases where games are mentioned no one will ever look any further. No one will ask what their family life was like, what their parents were like, what the kid was like before all this happened. Games did it and that’s the end of the story.

The Home Of The Gods, Part One

By Tycho – February 21, 2007

Illusionz was too far away to enjoy often, and even if we had made it out there our twenty bucks - administered biweekly - wasn't going to save the place. An imposing acre-wide indoor cavern, its unchanging arcade selection came to resemble a kind of mausoleum - still inside, with the heroes of another era laid 'round.

Here we go again

By Gabe – February 20, 2007

You might have seen this story on CNN about the teens that murdered a homeless guy and then equated it to the sort of thrill one might get from a “violent video game”. There will be plenty of articles focusing on these kids and their crime. I’d like to take a second and talk about the parents of these teenagers instead. It is the job of a parent to teach their children certain rules. Obviously the rules themselves and the emphasis each family places on them will vary, but there are certain universal constants that these parents obviously failed to pass on.

PAX Lodgin's

By Tycho – February 19, 2007

Robert just updated the hotels page on the PAX site - information which may be of use to you, especially if you like to sleep on beds.



A Mountain Of Merchandise!!!

By Tycho – February 16, 2007

Our third book is now available on the store, if you haven't purchased it elsewhere.  Entitled The Warsun Prophecies, it incorporates all the strips from 2002.  I'm usually scared to read something I've written once I've written it, which may help you to understand the state these posts sometimes arrive in - but I think the book turned out really well.

I've just now finished the final edits on the fourth book, which will be released...  in the future. 

Also, on the very same store, our Fire Sale continues to rage - with the heat of a thousand bargains!  Huge savings in every department, etc.


The Onyx Obelisk

By Tycho – February 16, 2007

Gabriel's ill-conceived Pong Pong challenge has brought out the wolves, and now the forest rings with their baying. Amaze Entertainment is holding tryouts internally to see who will leave our merry band in ruins. Upstarts from the DigiPen Institute of Technology will arrive soon to unseat the last generation as is the charge of all young men.  "Suckerpunch" will cease to be a euphemism when one of their usually mild animators suddenly strikes my diaphragm.


We Accept Paypal And Most Major Credit Cards

By Tycho – February 12, 2007

We put Monday's strip up early, so you might have seen it already - but you might not be familiar with the EGM interview it is based on, an excerpt of which appears here. I sometimes worry about appearing partisan in these communiques, but it is not my job to be fair. I'm not a journalist, I'm a consumer. I don't buy one product from each company in the interests of some karmic ideal, and I don't need to purge my posts of wrongthink because I haven't produced something suitable for use as a press release. Sony is grinding down their goodwill with every smug, psychotic interview, and someone needs to tell them so in clear terms.

We Have New Things On Live Marketplace

By Tycho – February 9, 2007

But the way it works now, you can't really see what you're buying.  They have that Xbox Live Pipeline thing that helps a little bit, but more information is usually better - to that effect, here is all the stuff we just made available.  If you downloaded the new CTS Theme already, just delete it and download it again - it won't cost you anything.  The new one looks like the the ones below, their legibility having been much improved.  Also, the description on Picture Pack Three suggests that there are only nineteen pictures, which is incorrect.  There are twenty! 

The Most Recent Catastrophe

By Tycho – February 9, 2007

Kotaku carried a story yesterday that is (basically) the Nintendo DS version of that Playstation Pornable scare from six months ago. You can see it here, and you should, because it's awesome. It depicts a scenario so imaginative that it juts into the realm of speculative fiction:

A Return To Tradition

By Tycho – February 7, 2007

Humans sometimes cry out for "more Div, more Div," and since one of these humans is typically Gabriel it is difficult to escape this desire. That I manage to do it so often is a testament to my resolve, my dexterity, and my many other virtues. But even the most resilient, angelic creature is sometimes dragged to earth.