I had mentioned it before, but I was not aware that there was a cost associated with it. There is! The cost is fifteen dollars.
Boot Camp
Kiko just sent me this link - If you are very busy and don't want to click it, essentially what has happened is that Apple is officially sanctioning dual-booting to Windows on their new Macs. There have been many attempts, and even a few successes, but the official seal is something I did not expect. The only missing piece is really driver support, hopefully the royal signet can bring that to fruition.
Art and junk
During the panel at the Emerald City comic con I promised to post a couple things. Someone in the audience asked about Penny Arcade toys and I informed them that I had just completed the turnarounds for the characters. For those of you unfamiliar with the term it just means I drew each character from the front and from the back. It’s pretty boring stuff so I never posted it. Apparently this guy at the con was an animation student and he spends a good chunk of everyday thinking about or making turnarounds. So he asked me to post mine.
The Zone Of Pure Breakfast
Have you heard about the horse thing?
I have never gotten so much mail asking for a wallpaper sized version of a strip. It seems that “Sepoohroth” from Friday’s comic was a hit. Everyone and their dog mailed me asking for a larger version of that middle panel. Since I desperately want people to like me I went ahead and made one. This particular image is 1920 x 1200. I figure that’s big enough and if you need to you can always shrink it down.
Early PAX Registration Ends Tonight
So, do not delay! Or, delay if you want to, with the devastating knowledge that it will cost you more down the road. I'm proud of the convention, I think it's a worthy investment, and preregistration helps us get a fix on how things are going to go. Plus, you get in an hour early, we send you your badge ahead of time, and so forth. Delicious!
Further Deviations
We played Kingdom Hearts 2 for a few hours yesterday, enough to know that they were pulling some odd narrative tricks that had us intrigued, but after a couple more hours today we were sort of wishing that they would begin the game proper. We're quite aware by this point that "shit is all crazy." We did hunt down the pop track which accompanies the introduction, though - at the most recent count, we have heard it twenty-three times. That would be twenty-three times today. And we are on the slick precipice of a twenty fourth.
Downloadable Content
New podcast is up - exclusively for members of our unique Penny Arcade Supreme service, a group that includes every human being on the Planet Earth. We have cons three weekends in a row, so I haven't been able to work out any RSS stuff. Hopefully direct download will at least provide some succor.
2 things
Don’t forget that the early bird pricing for PAX ends at the end of this month. So you only have a few more days to get in on it. I recommend signing up today!
A Blatant Disregard For Canon
I see that Gamespot is thinking the same thing: when you put the "absolutely unfounded" rumor that Lucasarts will strip Sony Online Entertainment of the Star Wars license, and the one hundred percent true fact that BioWare has created an MMO studio in the same Goddamn Town, it's hard not to fantasize that BioWare has been given the reins of a new Star Wars Massive.
WOW Binder
If you follow Tycho’s link up there back to the cover for book 2 that we posted you’ll also see the artwork for our WOW binder from Brady Games. I’m happy to say that the binder is done now and it looks awesome. We just got ours in the mail last week and we took some pictures. Here is what the final binder looks like.
The WarSun Prophecy
Continuing our tradition of ridiculous covers, I present the cover for Book 3. Behold!
The Doujinshi Code
You might recall that last year at Sakuracon, Gabriel was hauled by guile into the sensual world of Yaoi. We were not aware that Yaoi was but one deity in a greater pantheon of erotic gods, each with radically different domains. Looking back on two-thousand and six, it will forever be known as the year we broke The DouJinshi Code.
The Noble Sir Sleepington
Don't pay attention to Gabe, I should have known intuitively that he wasn't ready for The Elder Scrolls. It turns out that I'm not quite ready for it either, for a different reason, but I'm not sure if mine is actually more noble or not.
At Our Sakuracon Boof
We were able to secure twelve or so copies of Drakengard 2 to give away at the booth, seemed like a good tchotchke for an Anime convention. I don't know how long they'll be available, but our booth is typically a ghost town.