Are there no depravations to which you gamers will not descend? No sin you will not contemplate? Is there no injury, sir, is there no damage you will not scratch into the edifice of decency and right living?

Are there no depravations to which you gamers will not descend? No sin you will not contemplate? Is there no injury, sir, is there no damage you will not scratch into the edifice of decency and right living?
On forums of wanton reputation, I sometimes hear that Games Workshop - Games Workshop - has stolen this or that from Blizzard, and that odious charge will only grow in volume and intensity as screens and news of Warhammer Online achieve wider circulation. There is no small amount of danger involved in presenting this notion: as proof, I offer Exhibit A.
The shirts we mentioned before - shirts bearing the following design:
I got some cool mail from people thanking me for the art blogs I linked to yesterday. I figured if you like those you should also check out John K’s blog. You probably know him better as the guy who made Ren and Stimpy. The thing I love about him is that he really seems like a complete asshole. That’s something I appreciate it a person.
I would sooner acquire crabs, but Microsoft has decided to acquire Lionhead - adding their uniqueness to its own. We have created a strange comic about it. Since Lionhead only really makes games for Microsoft platforms, this is sort of like paying someone to accept money.
As a rule, I one hundred percent do not paste press release information without significant editorial accompaniment. I may have to ratchet that down to around 99%.
We made another Podcast yesterday. I think I say something about vaginas so you might not want to listen to it at work. Or at least put some headphones on. We got stuck writing and went to get some lunch. Then when we came back we forgot to turn the mic back on. So this one ends a little bit before we come up with the final comic. I hope you like it, you can grab it here.
I had mentioned it before, but I was not aware that there was a cost associated with it. There is! The cost is fifteen dollars.
Kiko just sent me this link - If you are very busy and don't want to click it, essentially what has happened is that Apple is officially sanctioning dual-booting to Windows on their new Macs. There have been many attempts, and even a few successes, but the official seal is something I did not expect. The only missing piece is really driver support, hopefully the royal signet can bring that to fruition.
During the panel at the Emerald City comic con I promised to post a couple things. Someone in the audience asked about Penny Arcade toys and I informed them that I had just completed the turnarounds for the characters. For those of you unfamiliar with the term it just means I drew each character from the front and from the back. It’s pretty boring stuff so I never posted it. Apparently this guy at the con was an animation student and he spends a good chunk of everyday thinking about or making turnarounds. So he asked me to post mine.
Have you heard about the horse thing?
I have never gotten so much mail asking for a wallpaper sized version of a strip. It seems that “Sepoohroth” from Friday’s comic was a hit. Everyone and their dog mailed me asking for a larger version of that middle panel. Since I desperately want people to like me I went ahead and made one. This particular image is 1920 x 1200. I figure that’s big enough and if you need to you can always shrink it down.
So, do not delay! Or, delay if you want to, with the devastating knowledge that it will cost you more down the road. I'm proud of the convention, I think it's a worthy investment, and preregistration helps us get a fix on how things are going to go. Plus, you get in an hour early, we send you your badge ahead of time, and so forth. Delicious!
We played Kingdom Hearts 2 for a few hours yesterday, enough to know that they were pulling some odd narrative tricks that had us intrigued, but after a couple more hours today we were sort of wishing that they would begin the game proper. We're quite aware by this point that "shit is all crazy." We did hunt down the pop track which accompanies the introduction, though - at the most recent count, we have heard it twenty-three times. That would be twenty-three times today. And we are on the slick precipice of a twenty fourth.
New podcast is up - exclusively for members of our unique Penny Arcade Supreme service, a group that includes every human being on the Planet Earth. We have cons three weekends in a row, so I haven't been able to work out any RSS stuff. Hopefully direct download will at least provide some succor.