We'll be getting our copies of the stuff that came out today when we leave "work," here in a couple hours or so. I suggested that it was the darkness of my predicament that kept me from previewing those games earlier, when the reality is more that I had a very brief time with each one, so brief that I can't tell you anything you won't learn in the first twenty minutes with either title.
The Gambler, Part One
Guitar Heroism has in no way abated around here, so Eurogamer's revelation of genre specific songpacks was felt with almost kinetic force. If a person my be crushed beneath pleasure and anticipation, I am not long for this world.
A Chain Of Events
We are going to be at various places at various times over the next couple months.
The Tome of Secrets
I'd never used one of the new iMacs before I bought it, and though we've added dialogue here to grease the wheels I thought Apple Enthusiasts might be amused to know that I spent almost five entire minutes trying to turn it on.
The Forbidden Fruit
There has always been something illicit about playing for the other team.
Just an update on the 1,200 donuts situation. We were able to give all the donuts away. We gave some to the other businesses here in our office building. We also sent a few hundred over to the Seattle Children’s hospital for the staff there. Then we let our PAX enforcers come by and dig in.
It's a good thing I didn't eat lunch
I’ve had a couple people mail me and tell me that the word among the Austin dev community is that the DCO team is hemorrhaging people. I’ve heard a few stories but they all seem to agree that people are jumping ship in frustration. I don’t know how true it is but Gamasutra has a job posting from SOE looking for a creative director for DCO.
Metroid Thing
There was a drawing for a Metroid Hunters Crystal Thing at the press event yesterday, and Robert actually won it. Behold:
I will talk about the game itself later, but I just found this object impressive. It's three dimensional, tiny bubbles like "voxels" (remember those?) describe the entire image. These objects (along with their black case/purple velvet interior) were given to the developers when they completed First Hunt for the DS launch. So owning it makes me feel a little like a fraud, but then I gaze into its tranquil depths and the world (with all its troubles) disappears.
I didn’t really mention it when I tried out SWG a few months ago. After they completely changed the game I thought I should take a look and see if they changed it to something I’d like. Within the first 10 minutes I had met Han Solo and Chewy and I was shooting down Tie fighters from the Goddamned Millenium Falcon. Listen guys, I know it’s a fucking Star Wars game. I don’t need to be best friends with Luke Skywalker before I’m level 2. It’s a huge universe and shoving me into encounters with my “favorite heroes from the films” just feels manipulative.
A Waste Sensation
I can read an entire comic book without really looking at the art. This is a process that horrifies Gabriel - imagine his eyes growing wider as, with each swift turn of the page, his craft is obliterated. By contrast, my cohort holds strong opinions on the topic of visual stimuli. I imagine this is part of the reason we're able to maintain our chaste union: like the gods of old, we keep to our dominions.
Metroid: Hunters
In much the same way that Monday was an explosion of Oblivion related info, expect tomorrow to be rife with Hunters stuff - there's an event over at Nintendo focused on it. Every time I've seen it, it's been a completely different game. I don't really know what to think about it.
MC Frontalot
I just wanted to give you east coasters a heads up. The Front will be playing a show March 4th out in Manhattan. The details are posted on his site.
Someone Please Call Security
I didn't want to get all, you know, nineteen-eighties Michael Jackson bad on him, but what option did I have? Had I brought my totally boss zipper jacket, this potent maneuver might well have seared him - left marks across him like a grill. I haven't really left anything out, he called me to come in and get the copies of Black I paid for and then wouldn't give them to me. If not for the Cinnabon across the way, the entire expedition would have been a failure.
new facts
Imagine me pacing through a dark command center. The walls are covered in giant video screens scrolling though volumes of text and data. The sunken room is filled with row after row of computer terminals, each one occupied by a young man in a wrinkled white dress shirt with thick black glasses. My hands are clasped behind my back as I stalk the aisles. The only sounds are the soft hum of electronics, the gentle thrum of the air purification system and the rapid clicking of computer keyboards.
Tycho - 2,127,000, Gabe - Difficult To Determine
You need to understand that when you "fuck with these," you are - in effect - fucking with a vast network of information gathering nodes. That crow shit in Fellowship comes nowhere near. Even Bothans, whose natural talent for espionage is well regarded, admit that my capacity for knowledge acquisition is somewhat intimidating.
Let's begin with Leighton, codename Double L:
"I'm sure you've already recieved countless e-mails regarding this, and if
you have feel free to dispose of this. I've been a huge Mega Man fan since I
first played #2 on my Nintendo somewhere in the pre-historic era. The
CLOSEST there ever was to being a Mega Man 9 was a game called Mega Man and
Bass, in which you can play as either Mega Man or Bass, but this game did
NOT follow the regular "Mega Man" story line, at least not too closely. Alot
of people dispute that this is the missing 9, but that is simply not the
case. See " http://www.mmhp.net/GameHints/RnF.html#Plot ". I hope this sheds
even more light on your recondite situation. : )"
Well, Leighton, its not that it sheds light on my situation so much as it plunges my cohort deep into impenetrable darkness. We'll let Agent Shmidt deliver the Omega Strike:
"Although i'm sure various Megaman fans have
e-mailed you, their sniveling nerdy noses wrinkling at the thought of
their blue-bomber hero, to support your attrocious lies. . .they fail
to recall the game "Rockman and Forte"; which is often dubbed "Megaman
9". Although unreleased in America and not officially called the 9th
game by the cartridge itself, it was clearly numbered as such while in
production (confirmed by Capcom in Nintendo Power, March issue, 1998).
This would clearly make it evident that Tycho was indeed right in
calling you a "junkslut"...you junkslut...
Auf Wiedersehen,
Matthias von Shmidt II"
There. Don't you feel better? No, I can imagine you wouldn't.