Still having some database trouble with the old site as we get the new one in place, it looks like - the comic will be up shortly.

Still having some database trouble with the old site as we get the new one in place, it looks like - the comic will be up shortly.
If you have attended PAX then you probably know about Sweet Kitty. It's a great local anime/candy/toy shop run by some friends of ours. We actually met them a few years back at the very first Sakuracon we attended. Anyway, they have an online store now. You should check it out.
There is a very real possibility that Guitar Hero will agitate your neighbors. Your crotchety, diminutive neighbors.
The Penny Arcade card game drops in the early part of next year. Here's a look at a couple of the finished cards.
The final version of Guitar Hero is, as I hoped, a completely engrossing experience. It was supposed to ship today, but I haven't been able to find it at the usual suspects - your Electronics Boutiques et al.
We were down to Blizzcon a day early and back almost two days late, I imagine to optimize pricing on airfare, and changing the tickets we received would have cost money. So, we did things like go to Disneyland, the dark account of which I have already related. We attended a screening of "The Weather Man," which settled itself easy into my top ten films. We also had a Playstation 2 in the room with an RF adapter, along with two dual shocks and a copy of Soul Calibur III.
Can you think of any reason why Forbes would incorporate Penny Arcade into their special feature on communication? People like Arthur C. Clarke and Jane Goodall are on there, which you'd imagine would preclude our involvement.
BlizzCon was a blast. It was nice to get a little vacation after all the recent drama. I returned home to see that the Seattle Police will not be arresting us. Not that we were ever worried about it. Although we did briefly discuss how we might make comics from prison. Do modern detention centers have Wi-Fi?
Blizzcon was a unique experience, not leastwise because they had a series of cash bars centrally located. I would say that the tonics they had on offer placed a downward pressure on my equanimity and propriety both, but those virtues are rarely in ample supply. Indeed, stocks have been low for quite some time.
After we put the finishing touches on the booth - assuming that booth is not a glorified term for the two of us sitting on a heap of merchandise - we walked over to Disneyland because it is literally across the street. It was then that I heard of Gabriel's three period long speaking engagement at our old high school, and of his regret that he did not take a few select young men aside and relate to them what we know to be true: not only is adult life infinitely more tolerable than the somnambulistic enterprise of secondary education, but that there are (in fact) valid, crucial, satisfying roles for our people beyond those evil warehouses full of idiots.
Outside the technical issues I've already related incessantly, F.E.A.R. is delivering the proper balance of carbs and electrolytes or something. It's good. It's packed with, I mean, shit. I don't know. Vital nutrients. You move from setpiece to setpiece pretty frequently, so it feels like I can gin up a productive session even when I'm up to my ass in projects.
Another actual conversation, transcribed by me, and drawn by our own Gabriel.
I keep pushing shirts on you, and I apologize, but this one isn't ours.
First the police, then the FBI, and now The Justice League.
In case you missed it with all the Jack nonsense I wanted to point out that we have finally joined forces with Gameskins. Not unlike Voltron we have formed the head while Kiko has formed the uh…shirt making part. Using his advanced design skills we will conquer the evil robeast army and ...hmm ... it kind of fell apart there. Here’s the skinny. Kiko is officially a part of team Penny Arcade now. You can find his incredible shirt designs in our ThinkGeek store. Together we will rule the universe. To celebrate he’s having a fire sale at his site, it’s a very “everything must go” situation. Obviously we’re hitting his store pretty hard but we’ll keep mentioning it until all his current stock is gone.