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We are back

By Gabe – November 1, 2005

BlizzCon was a blast. It was nice to get a little vacation after all the recent drama. I returned home to see that the Seattle Police will not be arresting us. Not that we were ever worried about it. Although we did briefly discuss how we might make comics from prison. Do modern detention centers have Wi-Fi?

Blizzcon Sketchbook: At Least, In Theory

By Tycho – October 28, 2005

After we put the finishing touches on the booth - assuming that booth is not a glorified term for the two of us sitting on a heap of merchandise - we walked over to Disneyland because it is literally across the street. It was then that I heard of Gabriel's three period long speaking engagement at our old high school, and of his regret that he did not take a few select young men aside and relate to them what we know to be true: not only is adult life infinitely more tolerable than the somnambulistic enterprise of secondary education, but that there are (in fact) valid, crucial, satisfying roles for our people beyond those evil warehouses full of idiots.

Phad Thai

By Tycho – October 26, 2005

Outside the technical issues I've already related incessantly, F.E.A.R. is delivering the proper balance of carbs and electrolytes or something. It's good. It's packed with, I mean, shit. I don't know. Vital nutrients. You move from setpiece to setpiece pretty frequently, so it feels like I can gin up a productive session even when I'm up to my ass in projects.


Anoddah Shoit

By Tycho – October 21, 2005

I keep pushing shirts on you, and I apologize, but this one isn't ours.

Gameskins FTW!

By Gabe – October 21, 2005

In case you missed it with all the Jack nonsense I wanted to point out that we have finally joined forces with Gameskins. Not unlike Voltron we have formed the head while Kiko has formed the uh…shirt making part. Using his advanced design skills we will conquer the evil robeast army and ...hmm ... it kind of fell apart there. Here’s the skinny. Kiko is officially a part of team Penny Arcade now. You can find his incredible shirt designs in our ThinkGeek store. Together we will rule the universe. To celebrate he’s having a fire sale at his site, it’s a very “everything must go” situation. Obviously we’re hitting his store pretty hard but we’ll keep mentioning it until all his current stock is gone.


oh nos it's teh feds!

By Gabe – October 21, 2005

For the latest development in Jacks ongoing battle with sanity you should check out He is apparently trying to sick the “Feds” on us now. I’m not sure how he imagines we are extorting him. We are not demanding he pay the $10,000 to charity. In fact we paid it for him. Case closed end of story. In my mind we were finished with him.

Soul Glow

By Tycho – October 21, 2005

Been playing a fair bit of Shadow Of The Colossus, and while numbers high in the available range reflect some portions of my time with it I would not describe the texture of my experience as uniform. The experience has sometimes been less than satisfactory for the colossi also, as I'm sure you can imagine.

The Return

By Tycho – October 19, 2005

Gabe thought I was going to mention it, and I thought he was, and in the end nobody did. Let me right the wrongs of yesteryear.


Dark Iron stuff

By Gabe – October 19, 2005

I’d like to direct your attention to a couple of fun PA guild events happening on Dark Iron.


By Gabe – October 19, 2005

Tycho and I remain free men. The fact is that Jack actually sent the fax to everyone but the intended recipient at the Seattle PD. There were a lot of names to remember I don’t blame him. I’ve received literally thousands of emails in the past couple days. They are all commending us for standing up to Jack the way we did. Most of them go on to ask what we can do as a community to stop him. I have to admit that is tempting. The more I think about it the more I think it might not be in our best interest. Let me explain.

The Big House

By Tycho – October 19, 2005

When that fax came through yesterday, there was some consternation - as I'm sure you can imagine. Rest assured that we have an unbelievably dramatic denouement in the works. Meanwhile, it is our charge to discuss the hottest gamez and systemz!!! So, let us continue.