Penny Arcade, you just succeeded in throwing the greatest video game convention ever. What are you going to do next? We’re going to…uh…Baltimore!

Penny Arcade, you just succeeded in throwing the greatest video game convention ever. What are you going to do next? We’re going to…uh…Baltimore!
Our friend Steve over at Hypothermia has helped us with Child's Play in the past, and he asked me what we could give for a Katrina fundraiser - I offered up my own CTS print. You can find out how to donate at his site.
Pictochat signal permeated the entire convention, as anyone who attended was probably aware of, and from time to time naughty images would appear within that clean interface. I don't have a problem with that sort of... expression, but then I am possessed of a magnanimous character. Not everyone shares my view.
Tensions between Penny Arcade and Player vs. Player erupted in bloodshed last night on Dark Iron. I was questing with Kara and a couple guys from Annarchy and Keepers of the Wang last night around South Shore. We ran into three Horde up near the yeti cave, two of them around our level and one level fuck. They must have put the word out because they had backup with them in no time. We called for help from the other PA guilds and within thirty minutes this is what it looked like.
Red vs Blue also showed up to PAX, as they did last year, the only thing different really is that they were soused from the word go. During their panel, they wore hats which they assured us were filled with water, as opposed to Vodka, which is odorless and colorless.
For reals!
We actually completed the comic on stage, a process Gabriel assures me is terror itself, but he's at the doctor for a kind of pain I had never heard of, so getting ahold of the strip is difficult. It does feature the Messiah, and I hear some of you are into that. At some future point, this link will connect you to the strip in question, which I have entitled "Savor The Savior." It's not about holy communion, but I can understand why you'd be confused.
We are not merely suggesting that the World of Warcraft CCG is satanic - we are suggesting that it was literally designed by Satan.
Nobody can get them to work, but they have been "released," to the extent that even makes sense. My Xbox has been "donated" to PAX, it's in a crate with a hundred other machines, so I wouldn't have been able to play it anyway. It's actually a comfort to know it doesn't work.
This can be accomplished by starting the game, and immediately holding down A, B, X, Y, R, and L. I'm pretty sure.
It is difficult to contain my excitement.
Precisely who does one call when they find someone has been abusing their virtual pet? Is there no celebrity associated with this cause? Because I think it's fair to assume that the phenomenon is on the rise.
The battle between PA and PvP continues to rage on Dark Iron. When our guilds started on this server it was essentially brand new. Now I have about a twenty minute wait every night just to log in. Fans of both comics have absolutely swarmed the serve. We’ve had the occasional server hic up but for the most part it’s been smooth sailing. We’ve decided to try and limit the number of people we take into raids and that has seemed to help. Honestly the wait really doesn’t bother me, like I said before this PA vs PvP thing is the most fun I’ve had in WOW and I’ve been playing since the beta.
The battle between PA and PvP continues to rage on Dark Iron. When our guilds started on this server it was essentially brand new. Now I have about a twenty minute wait every night just to log in. Fans of both comics have absolutely swarmed the serve. We’ve had the occasional server hic up but for the most part it’s been smooth sailing. We’ve decided to try and limit the number of people we take into raids and that has seemed to help. Honestly the wait really doesn’t bother me, like I said before this PA vs PvP thing is the most fun I’ve had in WOW and I’ve been playing since the beta.
Just to let attendees know. We'll let The Videogame Pianist, Optimus Rhyme, and the NESkimos rock for as long as they like.
If you still aren’t sure exactly what this whole PAX thing is, you should check out this interview over at Gamecloud. Our man Mike Fehlauer does a good job of explaining what the Penny Arcade expo is all about. We have five different nick names for Mike here at the office but I honestly don’t think I can repeat any of them. I promise you they are extremely clever insults that sound very similar to his real name but call into question his sexual orientation.