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PAX Stuff

By Tycho – August 5, 2005

Robert is sort of the unofficial ambassador for the Northwest, and he's always telling people where they should eat and what they should do. He cooked up a forum thread that includes a few things PAX attendees might check out while they are up. I can personally vouch for the Regent, where I have had more almond bubble tea with coconut jelly than I have any right to.


By Gabe – August 5, 2005

I’d like to point you towards a press release from Sabertooth Games. I’m really glad I can finally tell you guys about this project since we've been working on it for months now. As you can see from the release Penny Arcade is about to be a CCG. We had a chance to sit down and play an early version of the game recently and I can assure you this is going to be cool. I can’t share a lot of the details with you just yet but the game stays very true to the comic and it’s full of inside jokes and characters you guys will really appreciate.

The Nemesis

By Tycho – August 5, 2005

So there's apparently some kind of feud going on between Gabe and the guy from our EB.


By Gabe – August 4, 2005

So the two guilds we started over on the new Dark Iron server are packed out. We are not currently accepting members into either the Knights of Arcadia or the Fancy Lads. I imagine that very soon we will start to see that a lot of the people who joined up just did it on a lark and really have no intention of staying and fighting the Horde with us. So My guess is we will be looking for new blood at some point in the future. However there is always the possibility that all 854 members of these two guilds came to play and we won’t be losing members anytime soon.


we need you to vote!

By Gabe – August 4, 2005

Bioware has a poll on their front page asking what your favorite web comic is. I think you should vote for PA but that's just me.

Actually, Hey

By Tycho – August 3, 2005

At San Diego Comic-Con, a reader told me about a game called "Cave Story" that I simply couldn't live without - a completely independent platformer whose quality and craft had really surprised him. I'd forgotten about it until I read TIGS' interview with the creator.

A Hoard Of Pewter Treaures Await!

By Tycho – August 3, 2005

There can be no doubt that I "protest too much" on matters of geekery outside the boundaries of good discretion. It is only raw will that keeps me from spilling over into the dark appetites of the full-on dork - the wearing of capes, the leading of other lives, and so forth. That I perceive a distinction between my own level of nerdity relative to others is probably itself illusory, but the notion must be maintained if I am to continue behaving with a smug superiority.


PA WOW Guild!

By Gabe – August 1, 2005

Scott and his wife recently started a new WOW guild for fans of his comic. Everyone is aware of our long standing rivalry so as soon as I heard this news the wheels were already in motion. Then I read this on his page today:

PAX Ultra Update

By Tycho – August 1, 2005

The concerts and Omegathon games have been finalized. On Friday Night, the show look a little sumpin' like:

New print!

By Gabe – August 1, 2005

Our new Gabe and Tycho laser cell is now available. It’s priced at what I believe is a very reasonable $25.00 and you can get it from our online store. This particular print is not a limited edition. We thought it was important to make a run of prints like this so that everyone who wanted to own a PA laser cell could. It’s the same quality as the larger limited edition prints and even comes matted ready for framing.


PAX Cover

By Tycho – July 29, 2005

Gabe just finished the cover for this year's PAX guide, and I thought it looked cool:

h.264 Wideo

By Tycho – July 29, 2005

I keep trying to find the truth of the matter regarding the "enhanced" video capabilities of the 2.0 PSP firmware, and I'm not sure the fullness of it actually grokked by English speakers at this time.