As becomes apparent every time I write after a trip, the tension and anguish your "flying machines" cause me is intense. I apologize for writing about it absolutely every God damned time, but finding the way to phrase a situation that frightens me is how I deal with it. In any case.
Oblivion Addendum
Just got this from Oblivion's Producer, via the combat designer:
Rising early to tend his spawn, our own Gabriel was apparently awake in the precise window to buy a few tickets for a local Serenity showing. We didn't have to run a scam or anything.
E32K5: The Adjective That Should Not Be
I know that we have a well publicized, unwelcome affection for permutations of the word Witcher, but we saw their E3 presentation this year and today's sketch simply leapt from the pen. You'd never recognize Bioware's Aurora engine underneath all the work they've done on it - it sparkles. I always jump up and down and do that little clapping thing when I see an RPG on the way for personal computers, and if they deliver it over here with a polished translation I think I might very well be able to settle into it. There's clearly a complete universe behind the game, even if its tendrils have yet to reach our shores. There was only thing that really bothered me, and I wrote as much on the comment card. The real comment card, I guess I should say. Not the imaginary one we wrote "witch" variants on.
E32K5: Amalgamation
I was under the impression that my appetite for World War II era inhumanities was coming to a close when Infinity Ward sent Call of Duty bobbing out into the sea, but the skill and enthusiasm they brought to their task urged me forward. I have heard people say that CoD2, or at any rate the demo they showed in the theater there in the Activision booth, was the finest thing they saw at the show - this is not a sentiment I can echo. When I heard the initial rumblings of a German campaign, I thought, yes, that is something I have not previously done in a lower resolution. The notion didn't actually go anywhere, and I don't know if I can do all the rest of that stuff again.
Posting This Week: Perpetual!
Monday, Wednesday, Friday expect posts to accompany the daily strips at about the usual time, but for tomorrow and Thursday's great works please extend me your gracious understanding if posts are up around lunchtime here in the PST.
E3 and stuff
I’m home now and feeling significantly better. Thanks to everyone who showed up and stood in line to get one of our comic books.
E32K5: The Inception
I'm hardly trying to foment a new generation of system wars, but Sony this year virtually epitomized the "puppet show" motif I discussed a few days ago - and it appears to have worked for the most part, at least as far as non-game media is concerned. I don't believe there is any such thing as a "Playstation 3" yet, and I don't believe in the Killzone video. What I do believe is that Sony harnessed the media and then rode it from place to place, one hand on the bridle while the other waved madly in the air.
Let Doctor Gabe Help You
It has been an "interesting" show, and we are flush with sketches whose elegance and simplicity may well destroy you. In the intervening period, please enjoy this comic about Guild Wars which is the product of my frustration with my guild. And since my guild only includes one other person, I think you might be able to guess who that could be.
That Moist Plague
Every time I survive air travel, I kiss the precious Earth and swear grave oaths about ever boarding such a contraption again. I beseech nebulous powers whose existence I remember only when convenient. You would think that after so many successful sky journeys I would become enamored with the convenience and efficacy of it, but the way I actually perceive it is that I have an unknown (but limited!) number of flights total before I die in one, and each trip merely winds that diabolical mechanism.
The Playstation 3
Gamespot has all the info - and FileRush has a series of images not available there, including strange shots of Sony's boomerang bluetooth controller from the future. There's also a couple shots up of next-gen titles in the same gallery, Devil May Cry 4 and Killzone 2 specifically. Killzone didn't turn my crank, it really felt shackled by the Playstation 2 in my opinion, but even with that said it did some very interesting things with perspective that communicated my place in the world with a sometimes unsettling precision. I can't wait to see what they bring to the (next-generation) table.
New Wipeout Track, Car On The 18th
I was hoping the content drop would hit before E3, so we could make use of it under optimal conditions - but no, it hits the first day of the show instead. I'll try to find a pocket of wireless data while I'm down there, and urge the device to lap thirstily.
Never Before Seen Garments!!!
I wasn't aware these were coming out yet, but I saw them, so it must be true: Kiko hooked us up with a new Penny Arcade logo tee, as well as a fresh I Roll Twenties design that I am about to buy from myself.
We Are So Very Proud Of You
Robert is with us to make sure we don't sell Penny Arcade again, that is his main purpose, but he is also Gabe's Splinter Cell partner. It's gotten to some weird level with those two, they have a pair of neon green elastic bracelets to signify their unconventional union and everything.
A Surfeit Of Sorrows
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows looks a little better each time I see it, coming all the way from my initial exposure which never really found purchase. I'll take a look at E3 and see if fully seven sorrows are actually on display - I'm not in a position to know, but I understand that this level of despair is considered somewhat implausible.
The Finest In Videogame Apparel
Our friend Kiko just put his new shirts, I'd seen the designs and I wondered when they were gong to hit. He's got shirts based on what appears to be some kind of powerglove-type device, and the one I've been waiting for - he's got a new Hadouken shirt that I like as much as I like anything on the face of the earth.