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Our Whimsical God, Part One

By Tycho – May 4, 2005

Oh, it's quite true - Dr. Raven Darktalon Blood has been optioned and will now be smeared across movie screens worldwide, with no thought of how they will eventually remove it. I'm speechless, in the way that makes a person go on and on. And what's more, he must have had the foresight to cut me out a year ago, because I'm nowhere to be found in that strip's credits. I said I'd go down with him to the studio and see how things are coalescing, but told him that if his "vision" manifests itself as boiling human waste it's only because it tried to stay true to the source material.

The Pusp!

By Tycho – May 2, 2005

My friend Steve over at Hypothermia slash HardOCP is giving away Earth PSPs to five lucky organisms! I understand that these PSPs each have a single dead pixel, but I've got three on mine and it's not the sort of thing that should keep you up at night. One can obtain "the infos" from here, were one so inclined.


Try Our Meef Quesarito

By Tycho – May 2, 2005

The strip has a sharpness to it, something mean, but speaking for myself the idea that I could just watch an Oddworld story without having to twiddle a gamepad is something I'm genuinely looking forward to. Stranger, what would eventually come to be called Stranger's Wrath, was my favorite of the bunch - and I was still toiling from cinema to cinema. The desire to slide into noninteractive entertainment has always been there - their Big Brand aspirations being clear from the first Abe manual - and I think it's also clear that he would enjoy it more anyway. For an extremely intense interview with Lorne Lanning on closing down development and the realities of business as a third party, clicka this link.

Nival Just Keeps On... Nivaling

By Tycho – April 29, 2005

I thought of myself, a select group of friends, and a minority of Penny Arcade readers as the only people who would find something like Silent Storm delicious - but I guess it's possible I was wrong. Somebody is buying these, at least, enough to sustain a niche title, and they appear to be


By Tycho – April 29, 2005

I don't know what characters look like long term in Guild Wars, just because I haven't played it enough or seen high level characters floss for real on the avenues of Ascalon.

Empire Earth II

By Tycho – April 29, 2005

We did a one page comic for Empire Earth II, and it's just been made available over at the main site - check the news.


Sometimes We Get Things

By Tycho – April 29, 2005

It is true that, sometimes, things which are truly fresh will find their way to the office from this or that PR department. Most of the time they're just odd, for example a cat carrier or wildflower seeds. In numerical terms, Nintendo's heartfelt missives tend to promote the most eyebrow raising.

Unique Apparel

By Tycho – April 29, 2005

Usually when we make a new shirt, we end up with tons of them left over because we never ask anyone what they think we should make and end up crafting shirts based on evil line dancing troupes. It's a lesson I'm not sure we'll ever learn. Let's see if these do any better:

If I Have Told Him Once

By Tycho – April 29, 2005

I'm sorry to say it's not true - Gabriel wasn't actually able to see the film - but a healthy number of people will be watching it next week while I wail and clutch my boxed set. I clicked the link the moment I knew about it, but by that time a wave of browncoats had already crashed over the limited supply and absorbed every ticket.

The Hot Shots

By Tycho – April 27, 2005

New images from the PSP version of Hot Shots hit a couple days ago, and I had to place a cotton ball under my tongue just to absorb the excess saliva.


I still function!

By Gabe – April 27, 2005

I'm not dead, just busy. I'm working on some new advertisements for the page. We also just wrapped up a one page comic for Empire Earth II that you should see soon. Then I've got to crack out the cover for our next book. After we settled our legal bullshit we were free to sign with a new publisher and that publisher is, drum roll please...Dark Horse! That's right, Dark Horse will be making books and toys for us. How fucking awesome is that? Expect more announcements as we get closer to the San Diego comic con.

The Merch Slash Fleshreaper

By Tycho – April 27, 2005

You might have seen that slice of Merch on my "desk" over on the right side of my photo above - that was hand-made by Cathy Keeble and given to us at SakuraCon. I have a number of one-of-a-kind items of this sort that should be given a greater degree of exposure on the site, I'd imagine. That is the new policy.

The Difference

By Tycho – April 27, 2005

The disparity between our working areas could not be more pronounced. Observe how Gabriel gets it done:

Night Watch

By Tycho – April 27, 2005

When I was grabbing the Serenity trailer yesterday, I noticed another snip up there as I continually refreshed the page - a preview for something called "Night Watch," an upcoing Russian series which bills itself as an epic horror trilogy.