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I played some games this weekend

By Gabe – May 9, 2005

I played quite a bit of Hot Shots over the weekend on my PSP and I really like it. Tycho just downloaded a save file from the internet and immediately had access to all the courses and gear. I on the other hand decided to earn my content the old fashioned way...I wasted my entire weekend paying golf on my PSP.

Come see us at E3

By Gabe – May 9, 2005

E3 is fast approaching and we will of course be there. Last year Ubisoft was kind enough to offer us a portion of their booth for the purpose of meeting our fans. They’ve made us the same offer again this year and we’d be crazy not to take it. Those of you who have tried to see us at E3 will remember that before we had booth space security would just kick us all out onto the street. I have to admit that the line system we pioneered last year is far superior to the crushing mob seen in years past.

Friends list

By Gabe – May 7, 2005

My Xbox Live friends list has been full for a long time. I've realized though that I never see half the people online and the other half just play Halo 2, which is just as good as never being online. So I've cleaned out my list and I want to fill it back up with people who play Splinter Cell. So if you're into Chaos Theory and you play more than once a year go ahead and send me an invite. My tag is just Gabe.



By Tycho – May 6, 2005

I'm trying to maintain this cynical... thing, I guess, about Guild Wars and it's just not working. I'm completely charmed by it.

New Hook-Up

By Tycho – May 6, 2005

Stormy has bleak premonitions about a grim High-Definition Apartheid in the coming generation of consoles - it's the first time I've ever heard this position enunciated.


By Gabe – May 6, 2005

I just wanted to take a second and address some of the casting rumors that are circulating all over the net with regard to the imminent DRDTB movie. I saw a couple articles over at Aint it Cool News saying that Burt Reynolds had been chosen for the role and I can assure that’s not true. I think Smokey and the Bandit is the number one best movie ever made, followed closely by Smokey and the Bandit part II- The Bandit Rides Again. However, when Burt auditioned for the lead role in DRDTB he just didn’t have the same fire in his belly that I saw back in 1977. Then I heard that Tom Cruise had mentioned in an interview with Vanity Fair last month that the role was his. It’s true that we looked at Tom for the part but we decided to pass on him after he showed up drunk and proceeded to stumble and slur his way through his audition. In the end we settled on an actor that I had been pushing for since day one. Donnie Wahlberg will be playing the part of Dr. Raven Darktalon Blood and you heard it here first. I told the studio I wanted him because of his stellar work in “Boomtown” but honestly I’m just a huge New Kids fan.

Hot Shots Save

By Tycho – May 6, 2005

PSP Vault just popped up a Hot Shots Save, and in record time - it's not complete yet, give this anonymous gamer some time, but the save gots four courses, two mirror versions, and a bunch of adorable accessories.


Our Whimsical God, Part Three

By Tycho – May 6, 2005

I'm packing up to fly to a California studio where Gabriel's hideous creation will be birthed, no doubt there is an ancient prophecy that details all the particulars, though I suppose technically those would constitute spoilers. In the meantime, I dropped a couple random pages from his "great work" on the webserver for you to ridicule. Updates should continue according to the usual interval, and if there's Internet in the sheetmetal hovel provided by the production company I'll post as I can.

The Front

By Gabe – May 4, 2005

If you can’t wait until PAX to see the one and only MC Frontalot perform live on stage, you don’t have to. Just get yourself to NYC on Wednesday May 11th for his show at the Slipper Room. You can find all the details on his site. If you can make it I highly recommend that you do. The Front puts on quite a show.

Saint Ajai Raj

By Tycho – May 4, 2005

There is nothing that escapes our gaze, expanded as it is by thousands upon thousands of grisly servants. One such creature, "James," let us know that apparently a Div shirt compelled a young man to do something very lewd indeed, something I cannot officially endorse but secretly believe is all the way live.


PSP Saves

By Tycho – May 4, 2005

I hadn't investigated it, but with PSP saves so easy to pull directly from the machine and compress for download I felt sure that repositories for the files were readily available. We just got back with our Hot Shots Golfs, and we enjoyed the single course that was available to us - but if our choice now is to play hours and hours of the single player to get more or download a .zip archive from the Internet, it can't be hard to guess my preference.


By Gabe – May 4, 2005

We should have known that making shirts based on fictional line dancing teams wasn’t a good idea. Personally the Kansas City Hotsteppers shirt is my absolute favorite. Very few other people seem to share my taste though and so we have decided to retire the designs. If you’ve been eyeing either the Hotstepper or the Obsidian Spur shirt I suggest you pick one up now. Once they are gone we won’t be restocking them. I believe the price has also been dropped on those shirts to reflect their clearance status.

I Might Throw Up

By Tycho – May 4, 2005

I am physically ill with excitement about the gaming news at the moment. I have to get some of this off my chest before I misplace my breakfast.

I have some internets now

By Gabe – May 4, 2005

After being dicked around by Verizon for two weeks I finally told them to piss off and I got myself a new internet provider. When I moved into my new place Verizon told me I'd be up and running in five days. That was apparently a lie from the pits of hell. They hooked my phone up just fine but my DSL never kicked in. After a week I called their technical support. Now I don't know a lot about computers. I pretty much just use mine to play games and draw. I'm not teh hax0r by any stretch of the imagination. With that said I do know enough to know that the woman on the other end of this call was full of shit. I explained that my DSL modem ready light was simply flashing repeatedly which I understood to mean that I had no DSL. She had me go into internet explorer and delete my cookies. This sort of thing went on for about 45 minutes culminating in her telling me that the problem was with my router. I told her that I didn't have a router hooked up but this didn't seem to faze her. My imaginary router was not supported by Verizon and so the problem was my own fault. It was my use of phantom electronics that meant I would never again surf the world wide webs. So I told her to go fuck herself and I immediately called Comcast. Four days later I'm back online. The point of this story is that if you tried to send me a mail anytime in the last two weeks I never got it. I'm golden now though so if you still need to talk feel free to mail away.