People getting seriously into PC games in the last few years might not have any idea why I speak the name Peter Molyneux with reverence. You might have picked up Black and White, accidentally touched your animal's genitals and then uninstalled it in shame, not really feeling its flavor. It would take a very long time to go over with you the Bullfrog era of computer gaming, when having access to an Amiga meant having access to some of the most inventive games ever stored on physical media. These days, the things I play associated with his name rarely feel like complete games anymore - they're more like half-finished models he used to be really enamored with until he caught the glint of some new fascination. I got a little of the old feeling watching an extended preview of The Movies at E3, but I don't know if I can let myself be hurt again by that man. He's secured quite a bit of new money recently, though God only knows what he'll do with it.