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Storm Shadow Returns

By Tycho – September 21, 2004

I've got two new articles from Stormy over in the Hook Up section, and I can't decide which one I like better because I love them both so much.

Undisclosed Propensities, Part 6

By Tycho – September 20, 2004

And now, the conclusion of Undisclosed Propensities. For the longest time, Continuity was something I associated with bad flavors and poor manners. It most certainly did not come over and hang out. Hopefully you were not inconvenienced a very great deal by our antics, which have been arrested in the very moment before a holiday software deluge that won't subside for another three months. Clearly, our services are required.

More Fable

By Gabe – September 18, 2004

I’m getting lots of mail from people about my Fable post. I’d say it is split right down the middle between people who agree the game is a waste of time and people who really enjoy it. Someone mentioned in an email to me that Fable is the sort of game you either love or hate and I think that’s true.



By Gabe – September 18, 2004

I was worried that when Fable came out I’d get sucked in and I wouldn’t have time to play Burnout 3 and Phantom Brave. So I’m actually kind of glad that Fable was a huge disappointment.

Half-Life 2

By Tycho – September 17, 2004

You'd heard what I have, what everybody has - the first release candidate of Half-Life 2 has been sent to Vivendi Universal. At this point, they'll test the shit out of it and determine if it's ready for retail release. From what I've seen, any other company would have released it already. They're perfectionists is all. Locals have been playtesting it for months.


My son

By Gabe – September 14, 2004

I don’t think that Penny Arcade is a webcomic. I’m honestly not sure it’s ever been one. For me PA is a diary, and so I hope you’ll all forgive me if I spend this morning recounting a particularly incredible day I had recently.

Undisclosed Propensities, Part 2

By Tycho – September 10, 2004

It is a very good thing that we had the foresight to produce today's comic on Wednesday, as I am typing this newspost from the Goddamn maternity ward while Gabriel paces out there in the hallway.

More Demo Mirrors

By Tycho – September 8, 2004

They have it over at 3D Gamers now, I'll probably hop on that torrent. This DLX thing is taking Goddamn forever.


Dawn Of War Demo

By Tycho – September 8, 2004

I just saw this go up over at Gamespot's download site, DLX - here you go. It has a single player level, as well as a skirmish mode.

Undisclosed Propensities, Part 1

By Tycho – September 8, 2004

You might be wondering how we can turn this into a storyline. I guess you'll just have to wait and see. We have a lot to discuss, so let's move forward.

cool picture

By Gabe – September 7, 2004

Here is a pretty awesome picture of the line out in front of the convention center before PAX. Click on the thumbnail for the full picture.

Apocalypse, The

By Tycho – September 7, 2004

Gabe's list is already a serious indictment, but there are some things that didn't end up on there just because he and I have different tastes - particularly where PC titles are concerned. Please append the following to create a Master List. Every one of these is a game that I actively follow and am interested in purchasing, or at least I would, in a universe where polysyllabic words are a form of currency. Also, the links all go to EB, but that's just where I got the ship dates. They aren't links of the "Affiliate/I Get Money If You Buy It" variety.