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One more

By Gabe – September 7, 2004

This was the other explanation I heard a few times. I’ve gone ahead and removed the name of the developer again.

Some feedback from a developer

By Gabe – September 7, 2004

I’ve got a great letter here from a developer. I’m not going to say where he works but you’ve probably played his games.

Are you fucking kidding me?

By Gabe – September 7, 2004

During the entire summer I purchased maybe three or four games tops. I was in an EB yesterday looking at all the coming soon boxes and it got me thinking. I went home and compiled a list of all the games coming out just in September that I really want to play. Take a fucking look at this:

Tycho SMASH!

By Gabe – September 7, 2004

In Tycho’s post above he says, “since the betas apparently go out to people who aren't familiar with the fucking Tribes universe while I'm at home jacking off to the Starsiege manual,”


A Unique Curriculum

By Tycho – September 6, 2004

Robert was about 15 hours into the new Star Ocean when I left him yesterday, and he was pulling off some pretty cool shit - inventing items and securing patents on them for sale across the galaxy, pulling off hot combos and hanging out with nymphs. He and Gabriel do agree on one thing: it begins with nearly three hours of merciless boredom, after which point you probably deserve whatever great game might exist beyond that bleak expanse. One of them said things really start to look up around hour fifteen, and one of them began to roar and paw at the air. I'll let you guess which is which.

A Test

By Gabe – September 4, 2004

Want to take a Penny Arcade trivia test? Well if you do, then go here.

Sketch Dump

By Gabe – September 4, 2004

I’ve been really busy with PAX but I wanted to make sure I uploaded a sketch dump this week. There isn’t much but you can see it right here.


By Gabe – September 4, 2004



My day at work

By Gabe – September 4, 2004

The other day I told Tycho that we needed to write a comic strip. He thought for a few minutes and then said “I have an awesome idea!” I assumed that he meant he had an idea for the next strip but I quickly realized that wasn’t the case. He moved to his desk and disassembled the scissors. Then, using a rubber band he attached one of the blades to the end of his cardboard tube. Then he spun around and waved it in my face proclaiming that he had fashioned what he referred to as the “DarkSpur”.

Some more PAX stuff

By Gabe – September 3, 2004

I wanted to really quickly direct your attention to a few sites that have PAX write ups and photos. If you are interested in that sort of thing check out:

Coming Soon

By Tycho – September 3, 2004

We couldn't let the Acclaim bankruptcy go without comment, though we initially let it slide thinking about the ordinary gamers who lost their jobs there. They don't have anything to do with Acclaim's malevolent Public Relations mongrels, and it wasn't they who hatched the Titty Bike genre either. Then, we remembered that we have absolutely zero social conscience and love to say mean things.



By Gabe – September 2, 2004

We announced this at PAX, but now the PA Presents page has been updated with a new project. Brady Games upcoming World of Warcraft guide will actually be full of comics by Tycho and I. These are funny comics that will help teach new users some of the skills they will need to play Blizzard’s new MMORPG.

PAX Photos

By Tycho – September 2, 2004

Kiko snapped some great photos of the convention, and Gabe went ahead and handled the commentary for each one - they're here, if you want them.

The Burrs And Barbs

By Tycho – September 1, 2004

Now that I can see time does, in fact, continue - even after events of such magnitude that they warp space-time - I can start being excited about the games that find their way to stores. Pikmin 2 is just such a game - also, people in the second Q&A panel asked for a "watch" strip, and we have done as commanded.

PAX Log, Supplemental

By Tycho – August 30, 2004

There are quite a few more things to discuss, and I'll get to them all eventually - Red Vs Blue, and of course, our mighty Omeganauts - including Omeganaut Prime Sean Celaya, and his noble opponent Kevin Potter, who I have a feeling we'll be hearing from again.