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Two... I Mean, Three Things

By Tycho – June 21, 2004

One, I noticed over at Blue's that Warhammer Online> had been cancelled. Kind of a bummer actually, as I've growin into some enthusiasm regarding the title - it had some interesting Player Versus Player concepts in the form of opposed classes that I wanted to see play out.


By Tycho – June 21, 2004

You really should be reading Goats anyway, so what I'm about to tell you is something you should already know.

I Don't Blame Them

By Tycho – June 21, 2004

Another odd footnote in this Quality of Licensed Games thing, it would appear - even Transformers has been treated with affection!

Hell Yes!

By Tycho – June 18, 2004

Speaking of City of Heroes, the last time I exited the game it began downloading the first content update, called Through The Looking Glass. Don't know how much of this stuff is going to be available to a lowly level four Magic Defender, but it looks like I probably picked the right day to start playing.


Next Time, On True Tales

By Tycho – June 18, 2004

This is the pilot for a new series on Penny Arcade, called True Tales Of The Industry. We've always wanted to run a rumor column that was sixty percent fabrications. Suffice it to say, if we are calling forty percent truth good enough, we know enough things already to crack these out until the heat death of the universe.

West Coast Supertrip!

By Gabe – June 17, 2004

If you live on the west coast and you’re interested in coming to PAX you might want to think about the West Coast Supertrip! You can read all about here in the PAX forums. These are the basics:


I should be playing FM4 right now

By Gabe – June 17, 2004

I didn’t just stumble upon that skunk picture in my daily search for polecat porn. A kind reader sent me the link because apparently the creator dislikes Penny Arcade(as well as PvP and Sinfest among others). I checked the rest of his site trying to figure out what sort of person he was and found the weasel erotica. People always seem to think it is important that I know whenever they find some website that hates PA. I’m going to go on record right now and say it’s not that big a deal to us. If you don’t mail me every time someone calls me a dick, that’s probably okay.

Songfight Live

By Tycho – June 17, 2004

If you are a fan of Songfight already, then you might already know this. They're doing another one of their live battles down in Tejas on the 18th and 19th of this month - this very weekend - and it seems like quite a treat. I wasn't able to attend the one in my own town, I was on the opposite side of the country, but if you're down near Austin you might want to take a look-see.

hey, what is up?

By Gabe – June 17, 2004

Had I just read the reviews of Front Mission 4 and not actually played the demo I might not go buy it today. Thankfully I did play the demo and I know that the reviewers are full of shit. I just want to make sure that others aren't steered away from the game by misleading reviews. If you're still hesitant at least rent it and check it out.


By Tycho – June 16, 2004

I'm just afraid that Gabe will learn the wrong lesson from this experience. He'll come away from it with a fear of shrubs or young men when all that's required is that he be more circumspect regarding his dalliances.


Texas Meet

By Tycho – June 15, 2004

I have all the information about what's going down at the Guildhall in Texas, and another meet later that night. Here's the data, if you're in the area.


By Tycho – June 14, 2004

When another man questions your throughput, I mean, it's on. Driving music begins to play and you have to use your crane kick.

SC:PT new maps

By Gabe – June 11, 2004

I’m a big fan of the new maps for Splinter Cell:PT. I think that they have a visual polish that far exceeds any of the original levels. The Osprey hovering around the beginning of the Bank level is a real treat.

The Gang

By Tycho – June 11, 2004

You can play Four Swords with four people, three people, two, or one - but, unlike the GBA version that comes with Link To The Past, the experience doesn't change depending on the number of players you have. So, if you're playing with two people, each person gets two Links that can move in different formations. It's pretty fun, I doubt that you'll become incontinent with joy while playing it but it's better than a kick in the dick. It also uses the GBA connectivity in some new ways - any time you fall in a hole or enter a building, basically any time you are not on the overworld adventure map, you enter (or in some cases "fall into") the Gameboy. If you do decide to play it, though, you might as well familiarize yourself with the archetypes.