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By Gabe – July 19, 2004

We are leaving tomorrow for San Diego. I hope you come by and see us at Comic-Con.

The Newest Technology

By Tycho – July 19, 2004

With Doom 3's precise ship date in hand, now is the time to lavish affection on our machines - or the machines of others, when your console gaming friends suddenly remember that they own a computer. They'll slum down here with us for the major releases, sure - but they secretly wish they were jumping on mushrooms, or one of the other surreal fantasies they indulge in.

Halo 2 update in our forum

By Gabe – July 17, 2004

Bungie decided to make their most recent Halo 2 update in our forum. They are all really nice guys and had they told me of their intentions I would have begged them to reconsider. They post these updates in forums all the time but I don’t think they really understood just how bad ours is. The only reason it still exists is because at some point someone in there will blow up a nursing home full of senior citizens and the FBI will want a history of their online activities. It’s really just a big pile of evidence that we’ll hand over to the authorities the second they stop posting pictures of their asses and start killing people.

Our booth

By Gabe – July 17, 2004

As you can see from the image above, our booth at San Diego is going to be shit hot. As usual I’ll be drawing sketches for anyone who wants one. We’re also going to give away a special edition Halo Xbox that I’ve doodled all over. Anyone who comes by the booth can drop their name in the bucket. On the last day of the con we’ll draw a winner.


She Might Have Struck A Nerve

By Tycho – July 16, 2004

Gabriel has a unique... "relationship" I guess you would call it with a certain Spider-man. I'm just saying it's a touchy subject. So, if for example you are Kirsten Dunst, who plays Mary Jane, and you let fly in some interview that you think Spider-Man should die and and be replaced by the bulbous "spider-baby" fruit of your mutant union, it's not going to go over well.

WoW Contest Winners

By Tycho – July 15, 2004

I'll make these things presentable soon, but I wanted to let the winners know the extent of their good fortune.


By Gabe – July 15, 2004

I don't use caps lock a lot but I figured it was okay here.


An Alternate Lifestyle, Part 5

By Tycho – July 12, 2004

The final act of our indefensible alliance with continuity has been uploaded for your perusal. Before Sunday's Guildhall event, we got up at fuck o'clock to play golf here. It's pretty much official, the sport stuck. If I have the compulsion to do something even two times, that's not just enthusiasm - it's virtually tradition.

I'm back

By Gabe – July 10, 2004

Well I am back from my vacation. I had a real good time but I’m ready to get back to drawing Penny Arcade. I hate going away because it means we have to resort to disgusting continuity. I can’t help but think that while I am away all kinds of incredible game news is happening and we aren’t there to comment on it. Oh well, I’m back now…except that I’m getting on a plane for Texas tomorrow. You guys have one more strip in the current storyline and then we’ll get back to game news.

I Apologize

By Tycho – July 10, 2004

I have no idea what is going on with this server, it made getting the update posted a huge pain in the ass. To give you an example, I've been trying to post this apology for about three hours.


An Alternate Lifestyle, Part 4

By Tycho – July 9, 2004

The behaviors that result from a combination of their mobile refreshment stands and carts is so obvious, so naturally arrived at that it must be their intention. We can assume we have the imprimatur of the clubhouse when we drive with our eyes closed, or cut straight across the fairway because we think we saw a "cool bird."


By Gabe – July 2, 2004

I am going on vacation! I’ll be in Lincoln City Oregon for about a week. The whole family meets there every Fourth of July to spend some time on the beach and watch the fireworks. One of my favorite things about the trip is going to a little used book store near the beach and picking out books based entirely on the cover art. I look for pictures of space ships, space stations and strange alien worlds. If I’m really lucky I find a book that has all three on the cover. I then spend the next week relaxing and reading terrible science fiction novels. I can’t wait.