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By Gabe – June 4, 2004

I have to go back to Spokane this weekend. I am sure that the same sort of thing happens to anyone who grew up in a small town and then moved away to the “big city.” Towns like Spokane seem to have their own special gravity that pulls you back every couple of months. I’m taking my new copy of Full Spectrum Warrior though which I have been saving especially for this trip.

Additional Revelations

By Tycho – June 4, 2004

It's never me that suggests comics with religious overtones, the big bad atheist, oh no - it's Gabriel, the "Catholic"! But of course, it's up to me to answer all the nasty mail about it, when I'm as uncomfortable discussing religion as I am discussing fallopian tubes, or some other byzantine feminine machinery. It's like when, completely without input from me, he puts a link to a kind of mercenary evangelical site on a pedophile's shirt and then I'm supposed to explain the heathen purpose of that to a throng of angry believers. Was he trying to say that Christians are pedophiles? You've read his posts. Does subtlety really strike you as his thing? If he wanted to conflate religion and pedophilia, trust me - you would catch the meaning.

Splinter Cell comic done!

By Gabe – June 3, 2004

Page 16 of our Splinter Cell comic book is online now (click on downloads). You can finally sit down and read the entire thing from start to finish. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed making it.

More PAX Exhibitors

By Tycho – June 3, 2004

We've got Bawls, which makes a kind of potable bubble gum, and a little company you might have heard of called Games Workshop will bringing their legendary tabletop game, card games, and (hopefully) both of their current licensed games.


Ill Communication

By Tycho – June 2, 2004

Both stories in this strip are true, true, true. There was even a time when another player took an opportunity between rounds to strike his girlfriend, producing a haunting crack and a yip, but it was difficult to find the joke in it.

Avoiding The Obvious Pun

By Tycho – May 31, 2004

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay is actually one of the games I was going to talk about, so I'll just link the strip concerning it and then we'll move forward like normal.

Halo 2

By Tycho – May 29, 2004

I told you I would write something for you, something in addition to the product I am sworn to produce, and I have failed thus far. Every time I sit down to write something, I remember with a level of joy usually reserved for the birthdays of children that this machine - the same machine I'm typing on - can also be used to play Thief 3, also known as Thief: Deadly Shadows. I will complete a mission in Thief, realize the extent of my failures toward you the reader, and say that I will only allow myself to complete four or five levels in Mario Vs Donkey Kong - four or five, and no more. What typically happens then is that I feel like playing a little more Thief, and having completed another level I will be overcome with guilt at not having written anything, declaring that I will play no more Thief forever, I grab the GBA because really each individual level takes only a few minutes to play through. This loop reiterated itself virtually all day Saturday, and other than pure joy, indeed, joy concentrate, I have nothing to show for it.


Child's Play 2004

By Gabe – May 29, 2004

The Seattle Children's Hospital is holding a telethon on channel 4 June 12th. They have asked us to come on and re-present them with the huge 27,000 check we gave them back in December. We'll have a few minutes to talk about what Child's play did last year and what we're planning on doing this year. If you live in the Seattle area you should tune in on June 12th and check it out.

Crushed By Mail

By Tycho – May 29, 2004

I have been answering e-mail since nine this morning, which to my mind is a very long Goddamn time. I'm sorry if you've been waiting for the Live stuff I promised you, but I really had no idea that it was going to take this long. I will post this weekend, which hardly ever happens - hopefully it will help to settle our account.


By Gabe – May 29, 2004

We're working super hard to make PAX the coolest fucking convention ever and I've got some new stuff to share with you.


By Gabe – May 29, 2004

You asked for a version of the “tea with the moon” image on a black background and here it is.



By Gabe – May 28, 2004

I got 2000 emails about the Twisp and Catsby print in less than two days. I think it's safe to say you guys want them. Let me try and answer some of the questions I got regarding how it might work.

The Tycho You Didn't Know

By Tycho – May 28, 2004

In his review of The Singles, the sensual Greg Kasavin takes great pains to remind us that the game is from Europe - and he's right. It is. When I was in Italy for a short while, you could see things in ordinary commercials which contained scenes I'd have to be 18 to see here. People would have sex for twenty seconds, and then it would show what I imagine is some kind of abrasive cleanser. These days, I'm something of a connoisseur where erotica is concerned, and like all gourmets my fetish requires custom equipment.


By Gabe – May 27, 2004

I’ve got more new artwork for you.