The mighty Rob writes:
There's probably another day worth of Nintendo stuff, believe it or not - but I wanted to throw in a plug for Gish.
The Hookup is, um...up
Just a quick note to let you know that the latest Hookup article is now available. Stormy gives you his post E3 wrap up. Enjoy.
GBA Skins
Skins are back for the GBA SP, with a couple new designs. We're going through a new place now called GC Skins, which does covers for your other consoles as well.
Troy, The Gabriel Cut
Troy ain't that hot. That's not what we're here to talk about today, though.
They Hail From Canidon
People kept saying "why don't you talk about the new Zelda, why don't you talk about the new Zelda" and we have done so. There's also a lesson here, about being careful what you wish for, because we may append space dogs or the apocalypse to your initial request. I hope that everyone has learned their lesson.
Splinter Cell Comic
Page 14 of our Splinter Cell comic book is online now (click on downloads). Only two pages left.
The Definitive Thief 3 Preview
Of course I wouldn't read it, but if you don't mind ruining your dinner here's the last preview you'll ever need. There's probably no better source for this kind of info, come to think of it.
PA Store
I posted it late yesterday so some of you might not have seen it. We have a working store again. We finally just decided to let the guys over at Thinkgeek handle it. Right now it’s got most of our current crop of shirts. In the next couple of weeks you’ll see our new Posters added to the list. A little after that you should start to see some of our new shirt designs like Baby vs. Rhino, Twisp & Catsby, “It’s not for you” and a new got wang shirt. So if you want to buy some Penny Arcade stuff check it out.
Tycho Reads From Your Letters
Ziggy writes in regarding Thief: Deadly Shadows.
You're Naming The Child Gabriel?
Wow, that's not weird or anything.
Some stuff from me
Like Tycho, I have been avoiding a lot of game news lately. I don't know if it's just nostalgia or what but I've been thinking a lot about what it was like buying games when I was a kid. I remember getting games based on the screen shots and stories on the backs of their boxes. I've gotten kind of tired of knowing every detail about a game months before it comes out. KOTOR was really the first game that I purposefully avoided all news for and it was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Obviously that has a lot to do with the fact that the game is awesome, but I think going into it with no knowledge of the story or mechanics really helped. Recently I picked up Onimusha 3 after a similar media black out. Since I haven't read any reviews or anything I don't know what other sites are saying, but I know I love it. I was disappointed by the lack of action in the second game. Onimusha 3 delivers enough action to more than make up for the slow plodding pace of the second game. I don't want to say much more about it because I don't want to ruin it for anyone. I highly recommend renting it at least if you're a fan of the series or action adventure games in general.
Infinium Labs
Writing about the Phantom is actually really complex, for reasons which are themselves complicated, but in the meantime I do reccomend you check out this image over at HardOCP. When we arrived for our meeting, the doors actually had signs on them that said Flim-Flam, Chicanery, and so forth - just like the strip. We found this odd.
German Words Are Scary
I feel like I need to emphasize that the strip does not exaggerate the game in question or add things where things do not exist. You really do "possess" a bowl of dog food in an effort to terrify a dog, which can then be possessed itself in that state - indeed, there are more than four hundred breeds of dog, each with their own statistics, which makes Geist the Gran Turismo of dog scaring.
We have a store again. We finally just turned it over to the professionals over at and let them build us a store. You can go there now and purchase some Penny Arcade stuff if you want.
The Guildhall Event
I've never announced it before, it's not something you should know about already.