I told you I would write something for you, something in addition to the product I am sworn to produce, and I have failed thus far. Every time I sit down to write something, I remember with a level of joy usually reserved for the birthdays of children that this machine - the same machine I'm typing on - can also be used to play Thief 3, also known as Thief: Deadly Shadows. I will complete a mission in Thief, realize the extent of my failures toward you the reader, and say that I will only allow myself to complete four or five levels in Mario Vs Donkey Kong - four or five, and no more. What typically happens then is that I feel like playing a little more Thief, and having completed another level I will be overcome with guilt at not having written anything, declaring that I will play no more Thief forever, I grab the GBA because really each individual level takes only a few minutes to play through. This loop reiterated itself virtually all day Saturday, and other than pure joy, indeed, joy concentrate, I have nothing to show for it.