I just wanted to give you some more details about our E3 signing. The big surprise we mentioned is actually comic books. Ubi Soft will be hading out printed versions of all our Ubi comics to date. Here’s all the info:
You should get a bucket or something because what I am about to tell you might make you throw up with excitement.
My local EB didn’t have La Pucelle and the baby wouldn’t cooperate. So I’ve got no quirky tactical strategy game, and no clue if we’re having a boy or a girl. The doctor said she saw a foot in the crotch…I’m hoping that clears up.
Some more stuff
I mentioned Disgaea yesterday and gave it credit for getting me into the tactical strategy genre. I wanted to mention that the follow up to Disgaea, La Pucelle: Tactics (which is actually more of a prequel than a sequel) is available now in stores. Disgaea was one of those games that stores didn’t order enough of and it was extremely hard to find after word got around that is was totally fucking awesonahadnwtl wanted to give you aycteorrds up on La Pucelle. I’m actually heading out this afternoon to pick up my copy so I’ll try and get some impressions up tomorrow.
Front Mission 4 Demo Secret
Reader Brendan Keough writes in with the following:
my news post
There is a Pandora Tomorrow Xbox 2v2 Tournament advertised over at Clan World Network. I've actually never heard of the site bepore and the rules for the tournament make it seem like they have no idea what the fuck they are doing. This is from their website:
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Time
Square Enix had an offer for a free demo of Front Mission 4 they would mail right to your home, which is great because that's where I live. We've played it. Even when fully cognizant of the dangers inherent in Time Travel, it is easy to see why one might brave the chaotic realms outside linear time to snare a copy before the June release.
New Sega Hardware?
I've been hearing strange things lately to this effect - and from more than just this source. I have not arrived at a conclusion about whether or not this would be a good thing.
New Hook-Up
Stormy sent me a new Hook-Up a couple weeks ago, and I put into a page and upoaded it, but going back over the posts on the front page I can't see any mention of it. There could be any number of culprits - as a post near the time I got the article states, I was pretty sick and not a little delirious. But the news system has also been eating updates lately, reverting to old updates, doing all kinds of crazy crap, so who knows. Let's just say it's my fault.
The Flavor Dimension
I've mentioned Codename: Panzers with enthusiasm on more than one occasion - Panzers, with its RTS/RPG hybrid gameplay and fancy multiplayer modes. I just saw on VE3D that there's a demo available for the game - not sure what features are included, might be fun to take the full co-op for a spin.
I Must Warn You
When you read this article, you will have an orgasm. Take whatever precautions you deem necessary.
'Tag List
Looks like there's a PA "Group" for finding gamertags over at Snackbar Games. Another handy way to do it.
The PAX site got updated again with some cool new stuff. Here's a list of some of the new additions:
Welcome To Matrimony Theatre
The bear issue notwithstanding, her fixation on the outside world is shrouded in mystery. While it is incontrovertible that The Night-time Is The Right Time, I submit that it is the right time for absolute translation into a Massive role-playing game and not the right time to have one's foot pierced by a discarded hypodermic needle in a public park.
Mario brothers, Part IV
The fourth part of that epic Mario Brothers saga I told you about is up. Haven't seen it yet, hopefully I didn't just send you to a flash movie featuring some guy's prong.
Splinter Cell Stuff
Page 10 of our Splinter Cell book is online now. Page 11 should actually go up a little later today. We asked them to put up both pages together since it helps to read them together.