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I Am Wrong A Lot

By Tycho – August 11, 2003

I love it when I go off half-cocked and talk about power or whatever, and then I find out that the guy I just smarted off about is practically the son of God.

Send This To Your Local Paper

By Tycho – August 11, 2003

More than a few humans sent in the following political cartoon, such as it is. It's entirely possible that we will receive a request to remove that cartoon from our site today, and if that should occur, just look down into the toilet when you finish for a reasonable facsimile of the work in question. We had another cartoon about Freaky Flyers all written up, but once we'd both seen this Dr. Frankenstein bullshit we had to do something in that vein. So, here's our take on the issue of videogame violence as we see it, and it comes with homework: submit the cartoon to the editorial section of your local paper. Go ahead, I can wait.

Hey, Humans

By Tycho – August 8, 2003

Don't forget - as I did - the Fileplanet release of the Secret Weapons Of World War II demo. My vigor for this title has waned somewhat, awash as I am in excellent titles available now - but I am not above being pleasantly surprised. Let's get our hands on it, all over it, and we'll discuss it Monday.

The Nick Of Time

By Tycho – August 8, 2003

Chaos Legion, a stylish action game supposedly of the formula Devil May Cry plus RPG equals, is garnering reviews that look more like especially cruel prison initiations. Gabriel was lured in by Legion's stylish cape guy and promises of fast-paced action, and was instead treated to the gaming equivalent of leftovers - incomplete concepts of specious origin married to some tepid, room temperature gameplay. In any event, the nicest thing you can say about it is that the disc didn't cut your finger. And, ever the guardian of the unsuspecting gamer, Gabriel was forced to take drastic measures at the EB up in Lynnwood.


Samurai Shodown 0

By Gabe – August 6, 2003

Not sure how long they will be up but Insert Credit has some pretty cool videos of Samurai Shodown 0. They are super short but they show some pretty interesting stuff. One video in particular shows Light Ukyo vs Yoshitora. I know Tycho is a huge fan of Ukyo so this should get him especially excited. Not sure what the story is behind Light Ukyo but he looks cool. In related news I think Yoshitora might possibly be the coolest fucking videogame character ever.

Tycho Reads From Your Letters

By Tycho – August 6, 2003

I figured that some people would get pissed when you mentioned the bugs in the game. I’m not one of them. I think its something people need to know about. Personally, I’m on my third complete play through the game (Darkside, Lightside, and Darkside again) and I haven’t run into ANY of the serious problems that people have mentioned. But that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be informed about them.


By Gabe – August 6, 2003

People have been begging me to update my Big List of Idiots for a long time. Well I updated it today with something a bit different. A little e-mail correspondence that I thought you guys might get a kick out of. Check it out here.

An Interview

By Tycho – August 6, 2003

I received an interview request yesterday that I am absentmindedly filling out today.


A Common Misconception

By Tycho – August 6, 2003

Laser Squad Nemesis is a play by mail tactical game that isn't just like X-Com, it's made by the actual X-Com guys. Used to be that I couldn't go a day without Porkfry sending me the first round - you can play a few free games if a subscriber challenges you, though you are limited in what armies you can select - and we would while away the afternoons in frenzied bids for galactic supremacy. I never knew they were planning on a retail release, as everyone is just downloading it now and that seems to work fine. But there you have it. We have produced a comic to commemorate the release of this game, or perhaps some other game.


By Tycho – August 4, 2003

Jumpgate ads were okayed for the site because the game has been recommended to me by readers for almost two years. If we'd been home more at the end of last month, we would have just made them an ad ourselves - one that didn't talk about Joysticks, for example, or what you might do with them. Believe me, you should have seen the one they sent us first - it had a science fiction looking temptress on them. All in all, things could have been worse.


Junior High Bullshit

By Gabe – August 2, 2003

I have been getting a bit of email regarding the latest Movie Comics “controversy” and I figured I should comment on it here just to clear some things up.

What's This?

By Tycho – August 1, 2003

There's a demo out for Empire Interactive's upcoming "Fright Sim" Ghost Master, and nobody told me?

Halo Tournament In Ocean Beach, CA

By Tycho – August 1, 2003

I was hoping to check this Gamelords place out when I was down for the San Diego Comic-Con, but alas, it was not meant to be. Anyhow, they've got a tournament going on tomorrow, if you're down. First prize is a copy of Steel Battalion, that mech sim with the bad-ass controller and such. Other shit too, of course. But let's be serious: you want to drive robots.

Tribes: Vengeance Movie

By Tycho – August 1, 2003

I'm grabbing this file mainly to see the game in motion, but Fileplanet apparently has a clip showing the Rag Doll physics in the upcoming Tribes sequel. Prequel. Whatever the fuck it is.