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By Gabe – July 14, 2003

This shit be hot!


By Gabe – July 14, 2003

San Diego Comic-Con is this week and I wanted to remind you all to come out and buy loads of our shirts and posters so that Tycho and I can purchase fancy yachts and name them Jimmy Fantastic and Jesse’s girl and then race them around Lake Washington while we drink Sprite out of wine glasses with diamonds in the bottom.

The CTS and my sanity

By Gabe – July 14, 2003

Lots of times people ask me if I ever get tired or drawing Penny Arcade. It’s true that Penny Arcade will be turning five years old in a few months. For two guys in their mid twenties, five years is a long time to have been doing anything. Now that I think about it, this is the longest I’ve ever held a job. Honestly I think I probably would get bored with it if I didn’t feel like I could do stuff like today’s CTS comic strip whenever I wanted.


The Real Threat

By Tycho – July 11, 2003

There is a game so sinister in its execution, so perverse in its design that it must be stopped. I mean, just look at what it is capable of.

That's Right

By Tycho – July 11, 2003

The newspost went up before the script even revealed the comic. You may have questions as to the precise location and identity of The Man. I submit that he is before you.


A Meditation On Fear

By Tycho – July 11, 2003

I avoid practitioners of medicine, automobile repair, law (with one caveat), and law enforcement. Where Gabriel nurses an all-purpose fear of things outside his apartment - convinced the world is somehow inherently corrupt - I take a different view. I submit that it is simply an ecology I am poorly equipped to succeed in. It would be like putting me in close proximity to famished lions. These are entities with immense power that roam quite freely in that region, by which I mean the world, and I make crude efforts to elude them. Brenna called and made a Doctor's appointment for me, duplicitous harlot that she is. These were my unedited thoughts as I eyed an industrial-sized silo of K-Y.


By Tycho – July 9, 2003

KOTOR goes gold, right, but it won't be out until the day I leave for San Diego. Curses!


Well Met, Lord Drachenfang

By Tycho – July 9, 2003

Lord Matthias von Drachenfang of the Society for Creative Anachronism bridled at my earlier comment regarding "SCA Motherfuckers." He would like everyone to know for the record that if they had been in the Society, they would have actually gotten the car, which they would have driven with care to a sactioned event and then returned the "noble steed" to its rightful owner.


By Tycho – July 9, 2003

Okay, that was the latest Newspost ever. You deserve a good deal better in terms of punctuality, and you will receive it on Friday and thereafter.


By Tycho – July 9, 2003

I have already confessed my concerns about Nintendo's game line-up in other strips and posts, but I hope you'll excuse me if that news about Acclaim not making games for the Cube just doesn't terrify me. In fact, it's a step in the right direction.

Here you go

By Gabe – July 8, 2003

If you want to get some PA stuff from the con but can’t make it to San Diego, this is the forum thread for you. I know there will be a couple people taking orders there in the next day or so. I will be posting prices for everything tomorrow probably to help facilitate this sort of thing.