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House of Ze Dead

By Tycho – December 19, 2002

My head hurts so Goddamn bad. I'll be honest with you, it feels like my brain is the wrong size for this model head. I kept thinking about trepanning off and on the whole time I was at the midnight showing of Two Towers, not that the film wasn't enthralling or anything but I kept fantasizing about relieving the growing pressure in my skull. It's like four in the morning at this point and I'm trying to figure out if I need a Makita power drill, or if a simple Dremel would be up to the task.


By Gabe – December 16, 2002

Yes it's true that we played a shit ton of Halo last night. It was my first opportunity to check out the multi with that many people and it was damn cool. Before you go sending me mail about how glad you are that I like Halo now or whatever let me point out that I still think the single player game should have only been six hours. I don't blame the guys at Bungie for this though. I am sure someone at MS told them their kick ass six hour game had to be twenty hours long and with a deadline fast approaching all they could do was cut and paste the same levels over and over again and then make you play through the entire thing again backwards. I will agree with Tycho that last night's gaming made me a lot more interested in Halo 2 then I originally was.


By Tycho – December 16, 2002

The hardcore no-doubt reverberate with anticipation for Nintendo's "Megaton" announcement, a revelation so grand in scope that to know it would unravel your mind and leave you a gibbering idiot. If you were already a gibbering idiot, and I'm not saying you are but I just have a feeling about these things, it might make you gibber more, I don't know.

The Hook Up

By Gabe – December 13, 2002

I talked a couple times last week about home theatre and more specifically my love affair with Monster Cable. I got lots of mail from people with questions about home theatre stuff. I think as more and more games come out with support for things like Dolby digital sound and progressive scan more and more gamers will be beefing up their systems. I don't have time to answer all the questions myself and quite honestly I don't think I'm even qualified to answer many of them. Have no fear though because I know someone who is. After my love letter to Monster Cable I got an email from a guy who actually works there. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore when I find out that PA fans are everywhere. I have no doubt that many of you have infiltrated the highest levels of our own government and are even now merely waiting for my signal to bring the whole thing crashing down. So anyway, I have been talking to Josh for a few weeks now and we have had a lot of really good conversations about gaming and home theater stuff. The man is a well of information when it comes to that sort of thing and he even gave me some tips on how I could hook up the components I already have in a way that would get me a bit more bang for my buck. I asked him if he would be interested in answering some of the technical questions I was getting and I'll be goddmaned if he didn't jump at the opportunity. So it is with great pleasure that I give you the Hook up. In this first installment we learn about component video and switch boxes. Feel free to send your questions about televisions, speakers, receivers, wiring or whatever to Storm Shadow ( any man who picks cobra's deadly ninja assassin as his handle is okay in my book) and he will answer them as he has the time. If he answers your question on the web site he will also send you a Monster Cable game cable for the system of your choice. Now that's pretty nice of him I'd say.


The (Product) Cycle

By Tycho – December 13, 2002

Apparently there's a new Tribes game in the wings, but the days where news like that would have gotten a free pass around here are over. The only thing Vivendi's thrall race Sierra could do to get me back in the fold now would be to license Tribes out to a third party I actually trusted. It is my secret hope that the release of any new Tribes title will stir up that ancient enmity between ourselves and the vile TribalWar, as I look back with fondness on our original conflict. When you say smart things that engage the mind and then your opponent says ridiculous, idiotic things that make people dumber just for hearing them, well, everything is right with the world.

I liked it when he shot that guy.

By Gabe – December 11, 2002

If you don't like Equilibrium I'd say you are just too fancy for your own good. That's understandable though, I mean every one is fancy about something. Tycho won't read a book if the author's name is bigger than the title. I think Thomas Kinkade is a fucking hack. If all the moms between the ages of forty and sixty were to disappear tomorrow the man would never sell another print. I am sure that everyone feels like they are an expert on something and that only the best of that thing will suffice. The problem is that most people who review things are the very people who seem to have the most hang ups about that thing. This makes their reviews worthless to the rest of us who simply enjoy watching movies or reading books. So Mr. Moviereviewerman, you think Equilibrium had a "derivative, punch-the-keyboard plot." You think it was "crude, but occasionally laugh-out-loud funny, merely for its sheer ridiculousness." You think that a movie like Equilibrium is just too far below your standards. Well I bet you twenty bucks you have a painting in your house that you bought because it matched your couch, how fucking pedestrian.

Industry Items

By Tycho – December 11, 2002

Two new pieces from people who makes games today, the first from Morgan Jaffit (who has been with us before) and the second from Chris Stewart, on the recently completed Treasure Planet: Battle At Procyon. Take a look.


By Tycho – December 11, 2002

It is safe to say that we were both pleasantly surprised by the movie Equilibrium. Perhaps him more than me, but I'm still just learning to enjoy movies that don't have French titles.


The Contest is over

By Gabe – December 9, 2002

Okay it's about 6:00 pm and I am going to reset the voting, keeping the top three contenders. Some people wanted pictures of the characters so I have added little thumbnails of each. Oh, and if Samus wins it will be a pic of her without her helmet;)

Vote on who gets drawn next!

By Gabe – December 9, 2002

December is going to be a crazy month for me as I am sure it will be for many of you. It just seems like there is so much shit I have to get done in December. Our good friend Stephen is coming to visit this month. He is flying all the way from London to spend a few days here. I always enjoy hanging out with Stephen because I learn new words like Bollocks and Quid. We also treat him like he is from a third world country whenever he is here. We turn on the faucet and explain how in the US we have luxuries like running water. Then he makes a face like he is thinking about killing us. Its a little game we play.

Pure Joy

By Tycho – December 9, 2002

I am satisfied that this speaks for itself.


By Gabe – December 6, 2002

I gotta crack out a Penny Arcade Christmas card today but I wanted to talk to you about advertising first.



By Tycho – December 6, 2002

Gabe's affection for straight-up action is slowly creeping into my own tastes, a failing for which I will have to answer to God.


By Tycho – December 6, 2002

I'm getting my stuff together for the MOP LAN Party this weekend, and when loading the CD's into my CD case it seemed to me such a motley connection of weird crap. I don't even know how half of this got in here, but it's such a messed up cross section of the last six years that I had to post it. Some of these things are shameful, but I'll leave that for you to determine.

We're Playing Asheron's Call 2

By Tycho – December 6, 2002

I'm as shocked as anybody, but Gabe is completely into Asheron's Call 2. I invariably must play a game like this by myself until I find a somebody to crew with, but it's actually him that suggested it. Having never played a game of this kind, he couldn't understand the fairly random distribution of loot gained by victorious combat - i.e., what is this Rat Man doing with a lute? There are, of course, many possibilities - though only one seems truly plausible.

Thank God!

By Tycho – December 4, 2002

It looks like we have the same incentive to pre-order the new Zelda that they did in Japan - that Zelda 64/Ura Zelda bonus disc. If you don't know what I mean, give this link a little clickeroo.