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GBA Adventures

I found some old Gameboy Advance games while cleaning recently but could not find any of my old systems to play them on. I decided to check out eBay figuring I would pick up a used SP or something. I was surprised to see people selling customized GBA’s with updated screens, new shells and other goodies. I sprung for one of these bad boys and have been playing on it for the last couple weeks. 


I don't remember when the Snyder Cut comes out. It could even be out today. I know that I've seen at least two reviews that are actually reviews of the people the author thinks might like the Snyder Cut. Spoilers, obviously. Not for the movie, for those people. Turns out, they're bad! They used to be bad because the Snyder Cut was a Conspiracy Theory and now they're bad because Warner Brothers catered to them - an audience that made them billions. I hardly know what we're supposed to do with this information.



About a month ago, Ryan was telling me I had to Google NBA Top Shots. And I'm really glad he did, because now that NFT is all everybody's talking about it's nice to have some kind of idea about what that is. It's way older than I thought. And now I know what Gas Fees are! But what is all this, exactly? For a disruptive technology, it's very much of a piece with modern finance - it's an incredibly complex way to buy nothing.

Rubrik's Cube

I like Warhammer 40k way too much. It's been a problem for a long time. Warhammer Fantasy, I dunno. Underworlds is a good game and Warcry is… fine but I feel like I can barely fill a table with one kind of plastic. I sure as shit ain't filling two. Also, the filth and decrepitude of a collapsing empire and those who toil fruitlessly against the advance of Chaos is just more my thing anyway because I'm pretty sure that's how it actually is.

Race Night!

Thursday night is Race Night folks! The Penny Arcade iRacing league hits the track tonight and I’ll be opening up the Pit Crew on Twitch at 7:30PT. It’s hard to believe that it was one year ago this month that I first gave this sim racing this a try. Back then I could hardly get around the track in my “non-automatic” car. These days I race for the world’s premiere pretend motorsports company Gabir Motors. I also wear gloves when I pee and pretend my name is Mike Racecar, so it’s fair to say a lot has changed in one year.


Cash Money

Sometimes there would be change in the junk drawer at my house. This shrapnel, combined with redemption from bottles we found or "borrowed," kept me stacked with rattling boxes of Mr. Melon and Alexander The Grape. One thing we didn't have, and this is an interesting distinction, was direct access to the entirety of our parents' liquid assets if they accidentally left a sign-in somewhere.

Sticker Shock

Theoretically, because the different streaming platforms are really just… websites, switching between them should be trivial. Like, if there's a streamer you really like and they move it shouldn't matter that much. But it definitely matters, as those streamers and platforms who have tried to make plays were able to discern very quickly. Materially we are talking about a click, but in terms of consumer behavior? It's like trying to grab the moon from the surface of the Earth.

PA League Season 5!

This week the Penny Arcade League begins Season 5 of our racing journey together. We’re up over 250 people now with races all during the week and an active Discord. It’s a great group that I interact with at least once a week for our Thursday night race. I will also sometimes pop in for the practice races when I need them... I usually need them. I had a great time at the fun race during the "off season" last week and if you missed it I reccomend you check out the VOD


Face Time

Greb sent me a picture of his grandfather, a picture I've seen in his dining room incorporated into a mounted plaque of honor, complete with medals. The main difference is that this person was looking around, in something like wonderment or surprise, tempered by his martial tradition.

Whether Forecast

The Vanity Fair article we are all slicing thin and plating up on our own sites is genuinely packed with bizarre truths. I'd sorta been content to say, hey, the director shift resulted in a different perspective on largely the same corpus. That's not what happened at all. There's some ratfucking in there, and then Joss Whedon's head rises, like a bad moon, breaking the soup of algae laid over a brackish pond.