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By Tycho – January 18, 2021

He already told you the rest of the story behind the comic, because he actually knows it on account of being there, but I learned a lot from the tale also - and maybe, I learned a little bit about myself, too.

Console Wars

I really like getting new consoles and that has been the case since this photo was taken. 

Crime Adjacent

Gabriel is at The Tooth Store, which I think is also called The Orthodontist, having some serious shit done to his mouth hole. The reason I know it's serious is that he didn't want to do a strip about it here. We did manage to do one for Club PA, if that's of interest, but it's an index of his horror at the affair that the way we typically process fear - by containing it within a creative process - wasn't of interest. The archive is stuffed with examples of us doing precisely that!

Race Night

By Gabe – January 14, 2021

It's Penny Arcade league Race night! The Pit Crew will open up on Twitch tonight at 7:30PT for warm up and the race will start around 8:30PT. Stick around after the race for C.S.iRacing, where we look at wrecks and assign blame. Then we cap off the night with the livery parade where everyone gets to show off their custom paint jobs, tonight's theme is "Sportsball". See you in the Pit Crew!



I want to apologize for my ill-considered foray into teen nutrition. And also necromancy. I regret the necromancy. That is to say, I apologize if you were offended by my necromancy. Right? I mean… isn't life, just… Death? Man, I hope this works!

Tales From The Loop

Connected to the idea that you might now be more conscious of your backlog than you have ever been, there's whole platforms full of partially gnawed games interred beneath cargo shorts or in the garage maybe, waiting to be awoken by the wall adapter, provided you have the right one because there was a period there on Nintendo handhelds where it changed. If you had a WiiU, you might get a little extra use out of the adapter for the big slate controller thing in this case. As soon as these systems started being able to host all their own software, as opposed to a rotating cadre of carts, finding one has all the dynamics of buried treasure. And maybe it is! Or maybe you buried it for a reason.


I'm not even sure which one it's said to be exactly, I would have to ask in more detail and my eldest definitely did not want to discuss it at length. They were clearly in pain; it was that admixture of shame and indignation that arises from reckonings of this kind, the call to action set against someone your psychological reward structure tells you is an ally. They've… lost a friend, essentially, in a way that feels absolutely real. I grew up with online services, even before the Internet; the c64 service Quantum Link, progenitor of AOL, was something like access to the astral plane. My mother had to contend with the twin scourges of Rap and Heavy Metal, but the parenting environment I've inherited is one where amiable phantoms waft in and out of your children's lives and occasionally they are revealed to be rapists.

Flash Photography

Michael Keaton returning to the role of Batman after passing through a metaphorical looking glass in Birdman is almost too much. Like so, so much now, the arc feels written. There's an unsettling level of symmetry I would say generally but specifically here. I don't know how many times art has to imitate life has to imitate art before we understand that these things are just synonymous. If you ever wonder why people want desperately to control art, it's because consciously or unconsciously this is a recognized phenomenon.


Gabir Motors Returns!

After a couple weeks off, Gabir Motors is returning this week. It’s true that 2020 was a rough year but getting into sim racing and the creation of the Penny Arcade iRacing league was pretty awesome. We’ve got more than 200 drivers in the league now and my son Gabe has been working on making the Gabir Motors website he built a resource for the league. Obviously I drive for the world's premiere pretend motorsports company Gabir Motors but other teams have sprung up inside the league as well. If you’d like to join us you’ll need to pick up iRacing but then just look for Penny Arcade in the league directory and send us a request. We’ve got drivers of all skill levels and scheduled events every week. I personally make sure to hit the Thursday night race every week but there are events all during the week. It’s a great group and it’s managed by some real iRacing pros not me. 


We make comics about resolutions but I don't know that I've ever actually made one for real. Every time I've made an effort to change it was because I was obviously fucking up and I couldn't keep fucking up in that particular way and retain dignity. I would describe these events as "frequent' but they rarely occur at the beginning or end of the year.

Dante's Etcetera

The school district has granted us access to a nightmare warren of a website, topped by a ring of teetering plinths which gesture at a God that died a thousand years ago. It works differently on every device you use to view it, and has a fey sorcerer's mercurial air. One thing I was able to extract is that the only people making their kids do any of this shit were like… us, and one other person.


SEO Speedwagon

I have a lot of thoughts about how Media currently functions; I just deleted most of them. My doom, as always, is to understand at some level that everyone is doing the best they can in their local circumstances while also being conscious of the fact that the lattice that's been constructed around us essentially pulps and juices creators and audiences alike. This arrangement does serve somebody, but you and I have never met this person. It's arguable at some level that they can't be met: We've fashioned a kind of Omnissiah with these algorithms that drive and reward engagement, and we're determined to worship it even if it results in the self-replicating shit blizzard we currently "enjoy."


The Razor Crest is a really cool set, with many creature comforts, but if you didn't decide that you wanted it a while ago you are now subject to the same Chaos Winds that have made 2080's cost the same as a 3080 and a 3080 cost Fuck You.


So, now that Cyberpunk 2077 has reached its nadir - with everyone offering refunds, getting delisted from the Playstation store, CD Projekt's stock price in the shitter, and investors considering a class action lawsuit - it seems like a good time to talk about the things I liked about the game. Purely just as a chance of pace.