Kotaku saw fit to publish some Brutal Legend damage control care of Double Fine's Tim Shafer, or perhaps it's Tim Shafer's Double Fine - either way. It's pretty remarkable, which may be why we chose to remark on it.
My D&D game
My posts about the D&D game I run have been generating a lot of mail. I've had quite a few DM's tell me they've tried some of my ideas in their own games which I think is awesome. Obviously I'm still very new to this DM thing but I think that might be why I am coming at it from a different direction.
Garbled For Your Protection
A character creation tool was just released for Dragon Age, precisely the sort of morsel to appetize those for whom simulations of quasi-medieval hack and slashery might appeal. I know someone who fits this description.
A Premonition
By any reasonable barometer, any metric, by any comprehensive schema of assessment, undeath is this nation's chief export. We deal it out globally, all the while surfing metabolically on the strange fumes of its production. Thus, in direct violation of the Ten Crack Commandments, we're getting high on our own supply. And the resultant product is getting pretty thin.
Dragon Age Comic
I talked a bit about our Dragon Age comic yesterday and now it's up to page 6. You can check it out here.
Pre-Order your copy of Tekken 6 today!
The incredible tale that is the story of Roger Jr. the Kangaroo continues today over on Namco's Tekken site.
Our Newest Feature
The fact that Gabriel's players are expressing mastery of D&D - solid characterizations, systemic control, leveraging the gestalt - is something to celebrate. Just as he is a first time gamemaster, his players are almost entirely new to the game, and the alacrity with which they've taken to their task would warm my heart, had I not judiciously replaced said heart with a serrated chunk of living obsidian.
My Play List
I had a few people at PAX ask me to post more often and talk about what I'm currently playing. So this is for you guys!
Le Choix De Sophie
Many of the strips we produce catalogue the process by which Gabriel learns about the world around him. In many ways the strip is about him, and my occasional efforts toward his rehabilitation. He joined some random WoW group in an effort to procure a new magic belt or whatever the fuck, and found himself rebuffed by the universe.
Dragon Age
Our Dragon Age comic is up to page five now. Whenever we do a project like this I always jump into the game's forum just to see what people are saying about our comic. I think I do this because I hate myself and historically these forums have not exactly been a self esteem builder. I was especially proud of the Dragon Age comic and so I really couldn't resist taking a peek at what people were saying about it. In reality, even one or two positive posts in a fifteen page thread are enough to make me feel really good. The Dragon Age thread about our comic was an interesting read. It had its share of people who didn't like the project and those who did, but what surprised me were the people saying that Templars would never act the way they do in our comic.
My Friend Totoriol
Kingdom Hearts 2 is Gabriel's favorite game, indeed, anything with that name in the title ranks high. Even Chain of Memories rests on a high perch, Chain of Memories, a game shunned by the whole earth. Don't bring it up; it's a sore point.
'Tis The Age Of Dragons
or whatever!
No I did not pre-order it
I stopped by EB yesterday to pick up a copy of Deadspace: Extraction. The store out at the Northgate mall is on my way to work so I popped in there just as they were opening. I asked for Deadspace and the girl told me that she had sold out of the couple they got and that I should have pre-ordered it. Being told that I should have pre-ordered a game is like the dentist telling me that I need to floss more. I'm not sure how shaming your customers is a good business policy.
Polygonous Polygamy
In a turn of events that has as its consequence a deep sense of personal relief, Gabriel has finally conceded that the PC is a legitimate gaming platform with the purchase of an incredibly powerful laptop. I think it was the imminence of Aion that provided the final push - it's not the only game, certainly, but one in a list which includes Star Wars: The Old Republic and is primarily concerned with that subset of electronic entertainment known as "Online Delights."
Light and Mirror puzzle in D&D
People seemed to enjoy my D&D free fall game so I thought I'd share what I did last Monday. I was inspired after playing some God of War on the PSP to see if I could recreate a classic light/mirror puzzle in D&D. Obviously I could just have them find mirrors and place them in key locations to direct an imaginary beam of light. I wanted to use real mirrors and an actual beam of light though. I ended up getting a laser pointer and some little 1"x1" mirrors.
Love Bombs From On High
Gyromancer appears to be the work of a nefarious intellect, when the truth is substantially more beautiful: Gyromancer stands as proof of an interested, active, and present divinity, like spontaneous fermentation. Such indicators are rare, and when we find them we must cling to them, like hunks of bobbing wreckage.