or whatever!

or whatever!
I stopped by EB yesterday to pick up a copy of Deadspace: Extraction. The store out at the Northgate mall is on my way to work so I popped in there just as they were opening. I asked for Deadspace and the girl told me that she had sold out of the couple they got and that I should have pre-ordered it. Being told that I should have pre-ordered a game is like the dentist telling me that I need to floss more. I'm not sure how shaming your customers is a good business policy.
In a turn of events that has as its consequence a deep sense of personal relief, Gabriel has finally conceded that the PC is a legitimate gaming platform with the purchase of an incredibly powerful laptop. I think it was the imminence of Aion that provided the final push - it's not the only game, certainly, but one in a list which includes Star Wars: The Old Republic and is primarily concerned with that subset of electronic entertainment known as "Online Delights."
People seemed to enjoy my D&D free fall game so I thought I'd share what I did last Monday. I was inspired after playing some God of War on the PSP to see if I could recreate a classic light/mirror puzzle in D&D. Obviously I could just have them find mirrors and place them in key locations to direct an imaginary beam of light. I wanted to use real mirrors and an actual beam of light though. I ended up getting a laser pointer and some little 1"x1" mirrors.
Gyromancer appears to be the work of a nefarious intellect, when the truth is substantially more beautiful: Gyromancer stands as proof of an interested, active, and present divinity, like spontaneous fermentation. Such indicators are rare, and when we find them we must cling to them, like hunks of bobbing wreckage.
The first two panels are essentially a transcription of the actual conversation. For him it's a kind of "fish story," this supposed fifteen letter word, falling into that distinct category of lies that includes such dubious classics as Canadian Girlfriends or Exploits Behind The Roller Rink. Maybe you didn't have a roller rink where you lived, but we did, and one was often regaled with thoroughly detailed (and occasionally physically impossible) tales of pubescent eros. If all the stories one heard about this venue were true, perpetually writhing teens must have been stacked like cordwood.
Dragon Age. It's a game. But it's also a comic! A comic we made, and publish each Friday over at the official site.
I would say that the pursuit of Sport would, when assessing our oeuvre, appear as a very small word in the resultant tag cloud. Table Tennis is not a sport, so much as a state of matter; it is, therefore, exempt.
I'm back from my vacation now and feeling 100% better. I have to give a huge thank you to all the talented artists who saved my ass last week with their guest strips. I actually ended up with an extra strip that I wanted to make sure you guys saw.
With the tiller once again in our sure grip, we have charted a course toward... jpegs.
They just keep on a comin'.
Containing Kazu Kibuishi with language would be difficult.
Kris Straub is my hero, which makes being friends with him difficult if not altogether impossible. If orders something at Taco Bell - perhaps a Double Decker - and I offer to chew and even digest the product for him, that isn't an offer that reinforces that easy equanimity which true friendships embody.
Finally rejuvenated after delivering The Lookouts, Tiny Kitten Teeth heard Gabriel's croaking call for assistance - and rode in heavy. Of course, we are overjoyed. I've got a few more strips curing now, aging, becoming redolent, and if we still have a few left over when we reclaim our rightful place, I will post them all at once, in what will become known as the Great Feasting.
I'm alive. I don't know if I had the dreaded swine flu but whatever I had, it was brutal. It started as a flu and somewhere along the way morphed into a really bad head cold which I am still trying to recover from. After PAX everyone here at PA takes a little vacation together. Normally I would have spent the last week working on extra comics so you all wouldn't notice any interruption in service. The PAX Pox kept me from doing that though and so we've lined up a series of guest comics. Before I go I wanted to point you towards a few different things we've got going on.