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Further Songs Of Sorcelation, Part Two

By Tycho – January 19, 2009

The Song continues, ringing with the moon-drunk ululations of that animal Franzibald. Inconceivably, his cult endures. What succor this gruesome spectacle must be for them, this Goddamned moth-eaten pageant. Something to occupy their mealy forebrains while they shuffle through the forest, prying grubs from stumps.

Updates Of Various Kinds

By Tycho – January 16, 2009

It is my pleasure to announce this year's winner of the Penny Arcade Scholarship, also known as the coveted "Here is Ten Thousand Dollars" Award.  Diane Melville of Babson College, if you are able to retain even a portion of the optimism on display in this application, you will have been an incredible investment.       

Song of the Sorcelator

By Gabe – January 16, 2009

I got a lot of requests for a larger version of the SOTS cover. Here you go.

Further Songs Of Sorcelation, Part One

By Tycho – January 16, 2009

Further compounding the madness of Gabriel playing - and running - Dungeons & Dragons, I am now being told that he is reading Dragonlance. Yes, that's right. The books you read in Junior High, the ones you might read in the library, forgoing lunch altogether because the threat of physical violence was very real. I can't really be angry at this process anymore, and besides - if he's at Dragonlance, his archaeological trek through my formative age must nearly be complete. I read Neuromancer and Fahrenheit 451 before I ever got into Weis and Hickman, so he may be in for a shock near the end.


A Boy Can Dream

By Tycho – January 14, 2009

Andrew Lloyd Webber (or his clever handlers) are looking to position his ouvre in an interactive context, and they're approaching publishers in that regard. It's almost certainly going to culminate in some SingStar-type bullshit when it could be so very much more.

Of Dice And Men

By Tycho – January 12, 2009

When we received the initial exploratory mail from Pork, asking if Gabe had room in his campaign, it was like being plunged into an icy stream. Once blood began to flow again, it seemed to us that his mental alacrity - which severely complicates normal conversations - may have a natural home at the table. If properly mitigated.

That will learn you

By Gabe – January 9, 2009

It's like when you rub a puppy's nose in the shit he left in your living room. Just think, in a few years when the comics from 2009 become a book. It will go to print like that. 

Yes, I Know About The Typo

By Tycho – January 9, 2009

Gabe won't change it.  He's punishing me for letting it slip in there.  


Locked In Brutal Combat

By Tycho – January 9, 2009

Crayon Physics Deluxe - the adult stage of the cool but larval tech demo - is now available for purchase on the PC or the iPhone. Like its wriggling forebear, this is a beautiful, life-affirming experience that suggests anything is possible. One must work very hard to transform it into some kind of battle stadium.


By Gabe – January 7, 2009

The Dregs

By Tycho – January 7, 2009

I am trying not to be too strident on the matter, afraid that we're dealing with an old man/lawn scenario, but I'm bad at being polite. If you must both a) post constantly and are b) paid in direct relation to how divisive, petty, or vicious you are, I imagine it's very difficult to write in a useful or interesting way.



By Gabe – January 6, 2009

I've had a lot of people ask me how my first D&D game as Dungeon Master went. Here's a pic I snapped with my phone towards the end of the night. Actually since we went until 2:30 am, I guess I should say the morning.

True Martial Prowess

By Tycho – January 5, 2009

We grabbed the demo for Lord of the Rings: Conquest over the weekend, with no expectations because we haven't been following it. I more or less could not endure the tutorial, choosing instead to learn my trade "On The Job," which is dangerous for an archer but one gets used to it. Unfortunately, there was a bug in the demo that would not allow me to play their online game online - it suggested that my displayName was in use, something I didn't find especially surprising, because it was my name. I decided that the hours of a Sunday afternoon would be better employed in the construction of a couch cushion fortress, and took my refuge there.