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Child's Play and the Front

By Gabe – November 9, 2007

MC Frontalot is kicking off a big November tour. Will he be playing at a venue near you? You can hit this site for all the shows and dates. If he's going to be within four or five states of you I recommend making the drive. I don't mean the little bullshit states they have over on the east coast either. I mean big manly states like we have over here.

Child's Play is in full swing and I am proud to report that this is the best start we've ever had. There are tons of fund raising events being planned all over the world this year. We have a couple of our own that I wanted to remind everyone of. First is the charity poker tournament. It will be Saturday December first at the Comic Stop. You can get all the details right here. If you're in the area it's a really fun night and a great way to help Child's Play.

Also, you can now purchase tickets for this years Child's Play charity dinner and auction. Here's the lowdown:

Since its inception in November 2003, gamers and geeks around the world have raised over two million dollars in toys, games, and cash for sick kids through Child's Play. Our annual fund raising dinner auction is the headline event for the drive; please come out for a delightful evening and support the gamers' charity!

The evening begins Tuesday, December 11 at 6:30 pm, on the 4th Floor of the Washington Convention Center (Skybridge). Meet Gabe and Tycho from Penny Arcade, browse and bid on silent auction items while you enjoy hors d'oeuvres, wine, and good company. Dinner and the live auction will commence at 7:30.

Attire: Semi-Formal, no jeans please. Tuxedos welcome! Show off a little for your friends and peers.

I look forward to this night all year. I want to stress that we'll have tons of items there for all price ranges. It's true that in years past we've had people in bidding wars standing up at their tables and raising the price of items by tens of thousands of dollars with each new bid. We've also got items in the silent auction that go for under fifty bucks. Honestly just attending the dinner is a great way to support the Charity and even if you don't bid on a single item I guarantee an unforgettable evening.

You can purchase your tickets right now through Brown Paper Tickets.

follow up

By Gabe – November 8, 2007

I just wanted to make a little addendum to my last post.

I'm well aware that for every John working at an EB there's fifty guys who are actually doing an awesome job. I've been into those stores as well. When I hit the Lynnwood mall, Redmond town center, or Bellevue I always talk to great people. The problem is that this store is right next to our office. Also I've done my tour of duty in the retail trenches so I understand that the guys in the stores don't make the policies. I did three Christmas seasons at Toys R Us and anyone who's been through one of those can tell you it's hell. I remember the Tickle Me Elmo Christmas like veterans remember old battles. I also worked at Circuit City where I saw the true face of corporate evil. We were all forced to push extended warranties, erm I mean "performance guarantees" on our customers. I know how shitty you feel trying to sell someone on something they don't want or need. I remember we used to have morning meetings where we would tell our managers about the various reasons customers would give us for not purchasing a warranty . The manager would then tell us what the proper response would have been in order to counter the customers reason and get them to purchase the warranty. One of our home audio guys stood up and said his customer was an extremely old man. Bent over and wrinkled the man explained he did not need a five year warranty because he would probably not live that long. The manager at the time Chris (Hi Chris I know you're reading this) told him that he should have explained to the customer that the warranty was transferable. Doesn't he want the person who receives the stereo after his death to have the peace of mind that a full five year performance guarantee delivers?

That's a special kind of evil.

Chris isn't even a bad guy is the thing. That's just the sort of person you're forced to become in that environment.

So I know all about retail and I know who's calling the shots. My problem with EB policy is that I think it's downright shady. I got literally dozens of emails from employees all over the country telling me that it is their store's policy not to sell popular games to customers on launch day unless they have a pre-order. They are literally being told not to sell the games they have in order to teach customers a lesson about pre-ordering. Now that shit is evil. I can't even imagine how shitty I'd feel as an employee being forced to do something like that.

I wanted to share another interesting mail I got. This is from a reader in Montreal:

My post

By Gabe – November 7, 2007

We went out yesterday afternoon to pick up Call of Duty 4. I was ready to grab it based on Tycho's recommendation. We hit the local EB and we were told they didn't have any copies for customers who didn't pre -order. I looked around at the store. It was full of  posters, giant novelty game boxes and cardboard standees all advertising Call of Duty 4. The strategy guide was displayed front and center right there on the counter. But I'm supposed to believe that they didn't receive a single extra copy of the game? They didn't think anyone else might want to buy one? I've never had any kind of problem purchasing games without a pre -order from this store in the past. I've always been able to walk in on launch day and grab as many copies of whatever game I want. Now all of a sudden I'm being told there's no games for me?

Now I don't know if the manager over there John (a.k.a the goblin king) has decided to blacklist us, but something seemed fishy. Other people from the PA crew have had similar experiences in his store since the comic. Someone looking for a game was told by John that he "didn't think they had it." when he was pressed to actually check and see he turned around, glanced at the case behind him and said "nope don't have it." This could just be the sort of classic douchebaggery we've come to expect from him, but I'm starting to think there may be something more sinister going on.

I continued trading in the games I had brought and mentioned to Tycho that we should just run across the street to Best Buy and get COD 4. John piped up from atop his over turned apple crate. "They won't have it until tomorrow" he told us. Actually Best Buy had plenty. In fact they had so many they actually had them stacked next to the registers in case people wanted to buy them. This is what shopping in a fucking store is like! You go in and buy what you want. You can take your 28 confessions and shove them up your fucking ass. How about instead of giving me a 40 paragraph strategy guide so I can shop in your pawn shop without getting screwed you just sell me a game when I ask for it.

It's funny, in the end it turns out I'm not a big fan of COD 4. I tossed it in last night and played through the first handful of levels. It certainly looks great but I think Rainbow 6: Vegas has really spoiled me. The lack of a cover system in COD is really frustrating to me. It looks and feels like a tactical squad shooter. Only I don't have any ability to play tactically or control my squad. The enemies can blind fire from behind cover but apparently I can't? My teammates can shoot the hinges off a door and then kick it in but I can't so much as jiggle a doorknob? After R6 I never thought I'd have to toss a flash bang into a room by standing in the middle of the doorway again. Visually it's a real stunner but game play wise it feels dated to me.


The Spur Of The Moment

By Tycho – November 7, 2007

I doubt very seriously that I have anything of substance to add regarding the Writer's Guild Strike, though we have ostensibly done a comic on the topic, even though it was mostly an opportunity for Gabriel to draw a dinosaur. The Writers Guild is dealing with the same issues that Musicians have been dealing with, that is to say, compensation when the same work takes on a different form in this baffling digital age. The way contracts are currently written, there is some magical distinction between content that is broadcast on television, played from a disc, or streamed online. It's hard to imagine there are people who actually claim to believe this kind of mysticism.

The Littlest Hashshashin

By Tycho – November 5, 2007

Trying to figure out how you can make a DS game out of a next-generation sandbox title where you prowl through an entire era of history seems like kind of a tough nut. Seriously tough, like the dense iron nuts that fall from the Unending Oak, that which is called by elves Perpetua. Utilizing (and, I believe, expending) a great deal of our influence, we were able to discern the truth of it: a radical departure from the franchise proper, whose adorability index has pierced the cuddle threshold.

Child's Play 2007 Open For Business

By Tycho – November 2, 2007

It is often the case that people thank me for Child's Play, even though it is a globally distributed effort and I am, at best, a kind of hyperactive mascot. I accept their gratitude, on your behalf. Indeed, I accept their gratitude on their behalf! They are thanking me for the opportunity to be excellent. We are glad to be of service.

Painstaking Market Research

By Tycho – November 2, 2007

Gabriel sometimes suggests that he doesn't give "two shits" about something, which is meant to imply that he is apathetic about it - very apathetic. It's always struck me as ambiguous. Buried within the phrase is the possibility that he might be willing to give a single shit. Manhunt 2 - which I'm told is very controversial, mostly by people who don't actually follow the medium - is a game neither of us have the slightest interest in. We also don't know anyone who is interested in it, but then, it's been a long time since I did things just to make my parents mad, which seems to be the game's entire purpose.



By Gabe – October 31, 2007

So Tycho already talked about our match against the guys over at SOE. Even though we lost again I'd say it was still one of our best. Part of that probably has to do with me finally winning my first match. When we got there they introduced their team starting with their team captain. They yanked the sheet off and there stood Diabolus in all his glory. Here's the comic in case you forgot it and here's a picture of the actual robot they built.

The Dedicated Games Retailer Experience

By Tycho – October 31, 2007

I suppose it is Halloween, a date which has historically called for scarifying content. Though it was not our intention to deliver horror, there is a horrifying subtext when you consider the unbridled power retailers have over what you can play.


By Gabe – October 29, 2007

Pork is here. He won't leave. Who invited him? Not me. I'm so angry.

If you were able to grab a copy of Eye of Judgment last week you might be interested in this EOJ tournament. It's being organized by our Forum and sign ups are going on right now through Wednesday. You can get all the details right here.

Our Pokemon League will be meeting again tomorrow night at the Comic Stop. Last week we had about thirty people show up and it was a blast. Our plan for tomorrow is to try and start as close to six as possible. We got a late start last time and that limited the number of games we were able to play. I think we will try and do 40 min rounds which means if we start on time three rounds should be easy. Also, don't forget that the new expansion Secret Wonders comes out November 7th. I actually attended a prerelease event for the new expansion over the weekend and scored some boosters. I know a few other people from our crew made it out to the event as well so there should be quite a few of the new cards floating around tomorrow night. We'll have the miniatures there again and you Diamond/Pearl players are also welcome. We've got our own forum now so please use it. Feel free to post deck ideas or trading requests. I know we've got a few people in there that are experts so if you have any questions about cards or strategies post them.

Finally, thank you all very much for the kind words regarding the artwork recently. The last two strips have been a lot of fun to draw.  Having the entire joke rest on the art is always a lot of pressure. I had a few people ask if Tycho is involved in the strips with no text and the answer is yes. We still sit down together and "write" them. In fact in the case of the Ratchet and Clank comic we actually had dialogue for each panel and then Tycho said "can we do it without text?" It was a challenge but I think that decision made it a much stronger comic.

-Gabe out

The Regimen

By Tycho – October 29, 2007

Last Friday saw the long awaited conflict between Penny Arcade and Sony erupt into fierce conflict, as rackets were drawn from the sheath and the respective battlecries were gutturally delivered. Our warcry was not sufficient to claim victory: the bloodthirsty gods it was directed toward were otherwise engaged. The final score was two rounds to five, their favor, but more than any previous match we made our opponents acutely aware of their own fleeting mortality.


A Wrench, Descending

By Tycho – October 26, 2007

The new Ratchet & Clank is a marvel, further proof that Insomniac is the surest thing that platform has going for it. You'll travel to lush, hitch-free worlds where the brutal load times found in other Playstation titles are nowhere to be found. It's something everyone with the system will be playing, and it's executed at a level that should generate jealousy in the non-owner. I don't know if it's enough to make someone pick it up, but we're moving into that territory. I imagine it largely depends on whether they've heard the sound it makes when you pick up bolts. I know that our desire to obtain bolts is second only to our desire to obtain even more bolts, and this is due largely to its captivating jingle slash jangle.

Forum is up

By Gabe – October 24, 2007

The Arcadia Battle Academy (our local Pokemon TCG League) now has it's own forum.

-Gabe out


By Gabe – October 24, 2007

Last night's Pokemon get together was a big success. We actually had a really good turn out and lots of people brought their cards. I ended up playing some miniatures and then a few rounds of the TCG. We're meeting again next Tuesday same time and place. After that we'll go every other Tuesday night. Assuming everyone sticks with it we can register our league with the Pokemon site and do some official tournaments and even get some prize support I think. In the meantime we can talk about the league in this forum thread. Now that I think about it we might actually want to have a separate forum instead of just a thread. I'll look into setting that up.