Okay, so I was just on the BJ show. We yelled at each other for a couple minutes and then he hung up on me. That was super fun.
part 2
I heard that they were playing the BJ show from yesterday again this morning so I went down to my car to listen to it. They actually lied about how our phone conversation went. His producer claimed that he asked me what went wrong and I just babbled that I didn’t know what happened and refused to take responsibility. The truth is I told him that we dropped the ball and I apologized. I honestly don’t know what more I could have said. It was a mistake and I said I was sorry.
video killed the radio star
This year we had a couple different PR companies offer to help us spread the word about Child’s Play. They get us interviews on radio stations and in newspapers all over the country. Since Tycho is generally much better at that sort of thing it became his job to take all these interview requests. He’s been doing one or two of these a day practically for nearly a month and so I figured I should step up and take the next one. The next one as it turns out was with a Seattle radio station 100.7 the BUZZ on the BJ Shea show.
The Skills
I hope that I'm not the only person who applies 3.5 Edition rules to virtually every facet of my life.
Custom shuttle!
Here are a couple of delicious shuttle PC cases that will be up for auction tonight. I’m sure we’ll have lots of pictures from tonight’s charity dinner/auction. If you want to go you can still buy a ticket. I’ll try and get some pictures posted for you this weekend.
As It Happens, With Randy Pinkwood
Doom movie indeed, sir. I'm not expecting Gone With the fucking Wind, but there's only two things you need to do in order to make something Doom or not and they couldn't handle it. It's just not that Goddamn hard.
Child's Play
A big thanks to everyone who donated in Hypothermia's latest drive, and congratulations to those who came away with the prizes. Steve's drives over there made ten thousand dollars for the hospitals, all by themselves. If this were another charity, we might be satisfied. For Child's Play, that's really more of an hors d'oevre.
Ostentatious Ornamentation
Holiday memories for you to cherish.
So he likes Mario Party huh?
I don’t recommend playing Mario Party on a team with Tycho. Judging by my experience yesterday I’d say the fucker hates stars. I know it’s hard to believe but I watched him just give them away. He also likes to give the other team tips like “Hey don’t go that way! The star is the other way!” or “No No, throw the bomb back three spaces so it hits Gabe!” Thanks a lot asshole.
Drink! but don't drive please.
Div shot glasses are now available in our store. Personally I don’t drink…except for that one time in Vegas. Let’s just say the guys who run the bar at the Star Trek experience are big PA fans. Anyway, I’m not really familiar with drinkers and their customs. From what I’m told you are supposed to fill this tiny glass with the liquor of your choice. Then you drink the entire thing in only one swig. How exciting!
Child's Play
I think it's pretty amazing that the art auctions alone are up to almost five thousand dollars - take a look if you want. Those pieces of paper were just laying in a drawer, and now they could be anything - thirty consoles, hell, forty five if we went with Gamecubes. Grab some Wavebirds so you can get down from the hospital bed, maybe. We'll see where the holes are in the purchases and plug those holes with game systems.
Prince of Persia 2 is a good game in spite of the fact that the developer tried to ruin it. It's like they did their best to burn the entire thing to the ground, but enough of the foundation remains that it's still recognizable. What that means is that the fundamentals of the first game are so good they can withstand being covered in layers of disgusting music, hack writing and monotonous combat.
On Discomfort
The Prince is back, apparently from rehab. He is beset on all sides by improbably garbed temptresses. The good news is that game we liked is in there, but it's underneath a bunch of crap I ordinarily wouldn't touch without gloves.
random junk
We went to the EB over at the Northgate mall today and signed a bunch more WOW strategy guides. The manager told us that the last batch of autographed books they had sold out in a couple of hours. So we signed another big stack, just head over there if you want one.
The Latest National Crisis
The thing I don't understand about that "Ten Super Evil Games" list that's going around - outside of the obvious, of course - is the glaring omissions any modicum of research would have revealed. There is no mention, even in passing, of "The Sodomizer" for the PS2. And yet again, parents' groups have overlooked the Wifebeater series, neglecting to mention Wifebeater III altogether. Also absent with no purpose or explanation are Violencing and Kill For No Reason.
Ebay for Child's Play!
I had a lot of people mail me and ask if we'd do an online auction to coincide with our dinner/auction. Well I've gone ahead and done just that. 100% of the proceeds from the following auctions will go directly to Child's Play.