I don't know if you've seen this Merch show or not. It's fundamentally monstrous.

I don't know if you've seen this Merch show or not. It's fundamentally monstrous.
The update script is still screwed, so I'm just going to get the comic out there as soon as possible and hope that people get a chance to see it. Enjoy.
Through a combination of luck, and some help from my guild I was finally able to obtain the entire "Blackened Defias Armor" set which in my opinion looks bad fucking ass.
I'm having an issue with the upload script, no doubt a ripple created by some year change bullshit. It is no matter, I am resourceful and man enough to be called master by FTP. Behold, sir: your comic strip.
Kiko did another small run of Child's Play shirts and even included some girl's tees. I think he's only got a couple dozen so get one while you still can.
Kiko did another small run of Child's Play shirts and even included some girl's tees. I think he's only got a couple dozen so get one while you still can.
So Kara and I are both hooked on the WOW. She plays as a Druid and she mines and blacksmiths. Anyone who plays with a miner can relate to the screen shots I'm about to show you. On a side note, Kara had no idea I was taking these pictures. I have a feeling I may be sleeping on the couch tonight.
It was idle speculation when, a couple years ago, I held forth airily about some future game that could enthrall so absolutely that it would obviate all other expressions of the form. It's the sort of topic one posits when one has no pressing concerns and is interested primarily in a lengthy discussion. Certainly, no electronic experience could never be universally applied - there is a natural variance in human predilections. That's just me covering all the bases, though. I have confidence that the game I'm about to suggest has the power to grip you.
God dammit, we couldn't resist capping that Sony Syndrome thing we had going - so here you go. After such a deep excursion into continuity, one hopes that we will finally be free of its debilitating effects.
We had the opportunity to do something really interesting with our most recent Penny Arcade Presents project. We actually got to sit down with the guys over at Gearbox and come up with something that tied in with the game in a really cool way. One of the characters you’ll meet in the game is a guy by the name of Johnny Rivas. You’ll find out when you play BIA that he’s actually an artist and he keeps a sketchbook/ journal with him all the time. What we did is actually create that sketchbook and you can get a copy of it if you order the bonus edition. It’s eight pages and contains journal entries as well as sketches all done from the point of view of Johnny Rivas. Some of the entries cover events you’ll see in the game and others give you insights into events that occur outside your game experience.
We had the opportunity to do something really interesting with our most recent Penny Arcade Presents project. We actually got to sit down with the guys over at Gearbox and come up with something that tied in with the game in a really cool way. One of the characters you’ll meet in the game is a guy by the name of Johnny Rivas. You’ll find out when you play BIA that he’s actually an artist and he keeps a sketchbook/ journal with him all the time. What we did is actually create that sketchbook and you can get a copy of it if you order the bonus edition. It’s eight pages and contains journal entries as well as sketches all done from the point of view of Johnny Rivas. Some of the entries cover events you’ll see in the game and others give you insights into events that occur outside your game experience.
The Last Christmas cycle is now complete. I hope that you've enjoyed it, as it was a lot of fun to make, but I understand that those two states are not always correlated. I consider the entire project a success, largely because I was able to rhyme something with gestate.
This season's presentation of The Last Christmas is nearing it's completion with this, the penultimate entry.
Implacably, The Last Christmas marches on. This is the eternal problem with giving the reins of our work over to the sly forces of continuity: events will arise that seem to demand comment, but we're doing stuff. Luckily, this is the odd scenario where what we're doing kind of works. If you want to conflate Electronic Arts and a monstrous, unkillable behemoth engaged in a worldwide orgy of consumption, well, the argument is there.
Today's the last day of the official drive - spread the word, if you could. We'll be tabulating the final amounts into next year I'm sure, but the drive has been percolating since sometime in October so it's had plenty of time to work its magic. Which is to say, your magic, because you did it. I formulated a couple links. Any asshole can do that.
Our harrowing presentation of The Last Christmas continues.