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A little help

By Gabe – December 18, 2004

So I told you guys how I kept the free N-Gage QD I got because it's about a million times better than my old phone. I don't play games on it because the games are disgusting, but I love all the smart phone shit it can do. Anyway I'm trying to get it to check my Gmail but I'm having some problems. From what I understand Gmail is now accessible via POP3. Unfortunately, the N-Gage QD doesn't appear to support SSL for POP3 connections. SMTP is fine, so I can send mail via Gmail, but not receive it. Does anyone know if there's a way around this? Is there a third-party app that will fix this issue? I have Opera installed but Gmail doesn't support Opera so I can't access it via the browser. Any help would be much appreciated.

eBay Auction for Child's Play!

By Gabe – December 18, 2004

There is a new Child's Play auction on eBay right now with a gorgeous piece of original artwork from Kazu Kibuishi. Kazu not only has one of the best web comics online in the form of "Copper" he also has one of the best print comics with "Daisy Kutter". As if that wasn't enough for him he's also the driving force behind the insanely beautiful "Flight" Anthology. His work is unique and refreshing and I can't thank him enough for creating this piece especially for Child's Play. Please check it out and bid on it, all the proceeds will go directly to Child's Play.


By Gabe – December 18, 2004

Tycho mentioned Kiko earlier and I just wanted to let everyone know that he has two brand new designs available. I know you can buy video game shirts from a bunch of different websites now but Gameskins is special. I like Kiko's stuff because his designs are so fucking solid. I mean honestly I'd hang some of his stuff on my wall if he made prints. Any jackass with Photoshop can take the mushroom from Mario and slap it on a Shirt. Kiko's work is original and powerful and that's why I love it. Anyway check out his new Blood Code shirt as well as his Fighter91 Tee.


Tender Vittles

By Tycho – December 16, 2004

There's a new patch out for CS Source, and it resolves a number of issues, but the main thing it does (in my estimation) is right at the top of the list: it delivers a modernized de_prodigy. Excelsior!

I took journalism in high school

By Gabe – December 16, 2004

I contacted EA hoping to ask them some questions regarding their recent NFL deal. I was however only able to ask one question.

The Sony Syndrome, Part Two

By Tycho – December 15, 2004

Things have certainly taken a turn for our heroes! Fear not, dear readers. I have faith our rollicking conclusion will satisfy readers in general - and homosexuals in particular.

We are on the TV!

By Gabe – December 14, 2004

Morgan Webb from Tech TV showed up at our charity dinner and spent some time interviewing us. She also spent a lot of time looking for “that girl handing out Champaign” but I think she was just really thirsty. I gotta say, everyone on the Tech TV crew was super cool and we really appreciated them showing up. If you have G4-TechTV you can see the episode Tuesday night at 8pm PT. It’s my opinion that Tycho and I should never be video taped or photographed but if you really want to see us check out the show. Anyway, I think it’s on right after Judgment day where Victor and that other guy will be reviewing Halo…the first one.


The Sony Syndrome, Part One

By Tycho – December 13, 2004

Recently, I've begun to think that my periapt of proof vs. gadgets has begun to wear off as their lure has intensified. I need merely examine Gabriel's genuine cravings to throw my own occasional twinge into relief.


By Gabe – December 11, 2004

I just wanted to make sure that everyone saw these new screens from Wipeout Pure for the PSP. The Wipeout series has always had a special place in my heart. I can remember when Tycho and I got our first apartment all we had was a TV, a Playstation with Wipeout and a bean bag chair.


By Gabe – December 11, 2004

Okay, so I was just on the BJ show. We yelled at each other for a couple minutes and then he hung up on me. That was super fun.

part 2

By Gabe – December 11, 2004

I heard that they were playing the BJ show from yesterday again this morning so I went down to my car to listen to it. They actually lied about how our phone conversation went. His producer claimed that he asked me what went wrong and I just babbled that I didn’t know what happened and refused to take responsibility. The truth is I told him that we dropped the ball and I apologized. I honestly don’t know what more I could have said. It was a mistake and I said I was sorry.


video killed the radio star

By Gabe – December 11, 2004

This year we had a couple different PR companies offer to help us spread the word about Child’s Play. They get us interviews on radio stations and in newspapers all over the country. Since Tycho is generally much better at that sort of thing it became his job to take all these interview requests. He’s been doing one or two of these a day practically for nearly a month and so I figured I should step up and take the next one. The next one as it turns out was with a Seattle radio station 100.7 the BUZZ on the BJ Shea show.

Custom shuttle!

By Gabe – December 9, 2004

Here are a couple of delicious shuttle PC cases that will be up for auction tonight. I’m sure we’ll have lots of pictures from tonight’s charity dinner/auction. If you want to go you can still buy a ticket. I’ll try and get some pictures posted for you this weekend.

As It Happens, With Randy Pinkwood

By Tycho – December 8, 2004

Doom movie indeed, sir. I'm not expecting Gone With the fucking Wind, but there's only two things you need to do in order to make something Doom or not and they couldn't handle it. It's just not that Goddamn hard.