Now that Half-Life 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 have joined Halo 2 and the sequel to Metroid Prime, the dark conjunction can finally begin.
The World of Warcraft Strategy guide should be in stores tomorrow. I mentioned a few days ago that the book is full of original comic strips by Tycho and I. So we're going to go to our local EB around lunch and sign all the copies they have. If you want to, you can come by and say hi. We'll be at the EB in the Northgate mall around 12:30. Or you should be able to drop in there later and at least pick up an autographed copy.
You are cordially invited.
Every big charity always has a fancy dinner and auction. We figure that just because we're gamers doesn't mean we can't get dressed up for one night and act like we're a bunch of fancy high society types. So with that in mind I'd like to invite you to the Child's Play 2004 charity dinner and auction - December 9th in Bellevue Washington.
99 Bottles
Misbehaving with a game's physics system is one of life's great pleasures. Don't think about the domination of your species by hostile aliens and their earthly commissars for a little while. Take a moment to hit someone you don't know with a box of delicious chow mein! Smash your downtrodden fellow man with a glass jug. You'll thank me later.
Child's Play needs your help!
***** SUPER UPDATE!!!*****
I was going to ask him to draw a picture of Samus actually, because as I said before it really has latched on to me, much as the creatures themselves might.
Samus Drawing
I was supposed to be working on a bunch of crap today but instead I drew this picture of Samus. Click on the thumbnail for a high res version.
Watch the fireworks
If you attend NYU and you are a fan of the webcomics, you might want to stop by the Kimmel Center at 7:00pm on November 17. There will be a webcomics panel with the lord of all hipsters, Mr. R. Stevens as well as Jeph Jacques and Squidi. Man I really wish I could see this shit. If anyone goes and can take a little video or something I’d be forever in your debt.
Half-Life 2 Reviews
I'm thinking there must be some kind of Noon embargo on them, because Gamespot's got a timer going. It looks like their server is getting the shit beat out of it, but the review should be here when the huns let up a bit. If it's an emargo thing, and not an exclusivity thing, there should be more scattered about as well.
The Common Headcrab
Here is a little Half-Life 2 comic for you. I'm writing this post at 11:30pm on Sunday, wondering idly to myself whether the game I have purchased on Steam (as well as the one some readers purchased in stores) will become available at midnight tonight, on the 15th, which is technically the "ship" date. Since it has already been "shipped" in a sense, and since most stores have the fucking thing and are just being told not to sell it, the term is absolutely incoherent anyhow. Basically, I'm wondering if I'll be up doing the same thing tomorrow night.
Final Hours Of Half-Life 2
Gamespot's "Final Hours Of" articles have always really entertained me, and they've got one up for HL2 today. Gonna head over there now.
If we behave as civilized people do and omit Prince of Persia 3D from the true continuity of the series - relegating it to the realm of the misremembered and apocryphal - I can rightly be called a fan of the "whole shebang."
lots of stuff
I updated the PA Presents page with teaser images for a couple of our new projects as well as a new wallpaper. As you can see we are doing two projects for Brothers in Arms. I can’t say anything about the first one except to say it’s not what you expect. The second one is similar to what we’ve done in the past. It’s an eight page story and tells the incredible if perhaps slightly exaggerated tale of one “Jumpin’ Jack”, a soldier in the 101st airborne.
The Other Three
I'd heard the rumor about there being no hard disk in the new Xbox, I've heard the rumor after that where it is suggested that you will store your content on a separate, Microsoft created "iPod killer" portable drive as well. Until Wednesday, I hadn't heard that Microsoft was planning fully three machines. Actually, we've heard that there are no less than three and a perhaps as many as six new versions of the Xbox hardware - this information is, of course, from our Truth Department. It needn't be said that this department abhors lies and strives in all things towards greater accuracy.
Help, My Brain
One of the bonus feats given to our people - at the very moment of character creation - is the ability to focus on something to the exclusion of all else, indeed, the exclusion of our own welfare.
The Laws
There is a considerable amount of Halo wisdom to be imparted, and it may take the rest of this week and lo even unto the next week. I've had time now to check out the multiplayer a bit, though not as much as I'd like - I think I understand the system now at least, which took some doing.