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The Nightlife

By Tycho – November 8, 2004

Anyone who is on Microsoft's press list received an email on the sixth of this month, describing with a fastidious precision the sorts of things you can't say in your reviews. When taken in aggregate, these taboos cover virtually everything I want so desperately to tell you. Sorry. On the other hand, I don't have a copy of the game any more than you do - my playthrough was based largely on skullduggery. Not the leak, you understand, and certainly final code but still not precisely through official channels. So the release version of multiplayer - the only thing one can realistically depict without fear of reprisals - is a topic utterly outside my knowledge. So, now I have to apologize again. I do strive to be useful to you.

The House

By Tycho – November 6, 2004

It is very strange to think that - with the acquisition of a house - I am now in possession of my own horrifying basement, which I am loath to enter.

Play it with your lady friend

By Gabe – November 6, 2004

When I said that Kara and I played Shadow Hearts 2 together I should have been more clear. Kara stole the controller from me around hour 12 and then I watched her play for the rest of the 50 hours it took us to beat it. So when I heard that LOTR: The Third Age had Co-Op I was pretty excited. I know that it's limited and amounts to me getting to control a character during random encounters and not much else but at least it's something. FF IX had the same feature and when you're talking about games that take forty or fifty hours to beat, the ability to occasionally input some commands is a real treat.


Something Borrowed

By Tycho – November 5, 2004

Grabbed Lord of the Rings: Third Age yesterday, and regardless of anything that is implied by the strip I'm perfectly happy with it - probably because I know what it is and I don't expect it to reform the genre. It is a delicious electronic pork rind, and I'm going to sit right here on the Goddamn couch and eat it.

Check Disk

By Gabe – November 4, 2004

I’m getting a lot of positive mail about today’s comic strip. It’s nice to see that Mr. Period has so many fans. Don’t forget you can show your love for him and the rest of the bad boys of punctuation with our “Adventures in Grammar” shirt. We even have one for the ladies.

Mr. Period Returns

By Tycho – November 3, 2004

Don't be startled by any biological impossibilities you see on your way home, bizarre creatures with no rung to cling to in any natural hierarchy. They are no doubt a result of the improbability shockwave generated when we agreed with IGN earlier today. Hopefully, these twilight freaks will crawl away and die gracefully somewhere out of sight.


Some Stuff

By Gabe – October 31, 2004

My routine for the past few weeks has been pretty much the same. I get home from a long hard day of work at the PA building around 5:00. Then Kara and I play Shadow Hearts 2 until 9:00. Then we give the baby a bath and we all go to bed. Can you believe that? I go to bed at 9:00 at night. Jesus. It used to be that I didn’t even start playing games in the evening until 10:00. Oh well, at any rate we’ll be finishing up Shadow Hearts tonight. We’ve been trying to do all the side quests before we attempt the final battle. When it’s all over I think we’ll have clocked about 50 hours. It’s been awesome from start to finish, I still highly recommend it.


By Tycho – October 31, 2004

Yesterday's spect... spooktacular can be viewed here.

Monday's Strip Will Be Early

By Tycho – October 29, 2004

Just to let you know - you can't very well have a Halloween strip the day after, it just wouldn't do. So, when it's up on Sunday, this link will summon it from the deep.

Hoochie Coochie Man

By Tycho – October 29, 2004

I'd say it's better than even odds you've seen the story, either at VE or Slashdot. The long and short of it is that someone said they liked a couple Nintendo games in their SuicideGirls profile - and, in a parody of the reasonable universe, lawyers bared their teeth. I have a hunch we're talking about some kind of perverted spider application, an automated process with a bottomless appetite for filth, but it's funny to think tracking down meaningless infractions like this is some guy's fucking job.


Child's Play Promotions

By Gabe – October 28, 2004

So PayPal is running a promotion today that might be of interest to people who want to donate to Child’s Play. For today and today only (Oct. 28, 2004) PayPal isn’t charging any transaction fees. If you were planning on donating via PayPal anyway, this might be a good day to do it.

Minibosses Live CD

By Tycho – October 27, 2004

The Minibosses have a new Live CD up, the proceeds of which go directly to their new studio album. Their show at PAX was practically a spiritual communion, a fact to which any attendee could attest.

Child's Play

By Gabe – October 27, 2004

Just another quick note to let you know that the Child's Play site has been updated again. Now you can see a list of companies that have made contributions as well as an overall progress bar. As of yesterday I think we had raised a little over $33,000 already. You guys are off to an awesome start I'd say.

Some stuff

By Gabe – October 27, 2004

I'm still getting tons of mail this morning from people asking for a wallpaper of today's comic strip. Well I actually made one last night assuming you would want one. Maybe you guys are just missing the link to it at the bottom of Tycho's post above. So here you go: