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Splinter Cell Comic Is Up

By Tycho – March 12, 2004

You can check it out, if you want - look for it in the downloads section, along with the two alternate covers(!!!). Making a Splinter Cell story, even a side story like the one we're doing, is something I honestly consider a priviledge. We chose to dramatize a round of the multiplayer mode, and there's more than enough material there to work with.

The Hipness Threshold

By Tycho – March 12, 2004

I was amazed to find that Charles was the most requested sketch at the Ubercon. Why does the East love him so? I have no idea. At any rate, after our recent experience at the Apple Store it seemed like a good opportunity to utilize the character and (potentially) bring pleasure to an entire coast.


By Gabe – March 11, 2004

I just got a mail from Jason Gavin, one of the guys behind the new show Game Over. He asked if I could pass along some info to you guys since tonight is the big premier of their show on UPN. Here is what he had to say:

A Common Ailment

By Tycho – March 10, 2004

If the internal browser is any indication, they've really struck a chord with Unreal Tournament 2004's Onslaught. It certainly struck a chord with me.



By Gabe – March 9, 2004

Okay, about fourty-five minutes and seven hundred emails later I think I have a pretty clear idea of what you guys think about more “news” posts. It’s actually pretty cool how much alike all your answers were. I’d say about 99% of the emails I got sounded pretty much like this one:


By Gabe – March 9, 2004

I am kind of curious if you guys find stuff like the above post valuable. There are so many sites out there that post news, I just never figured it was something we needed to do. I mean, we are on all the same lists that these other sites are on. I get the same press releases they do. Would you guys like it if we posted this sort of thing more often?


By Gabe – March 9, 2004

Digital Extremes just sent me a press release about their new title, Pariah. Generally I don’t post this sort of thing here but they attached some really cool screen shots. Here is a snippet from the release:

They Took Down The Pictures

By Tycho – March 8, 2004

But I have found them! Apparently the site I linked to for information about the MPx removed the photos, which strips away the reason for linking that page in the first place. Never fear, you may see the three modes here, here, and here.


A Brief Index Of Difficulty

By Tycho – March 8, 2004

Shit damn Ninja Gaiden is hard, it's so hard that your friends will die. It's also completely great - once you've gone a few levels, just start a new game real quick and take a look at the guys you thought were bad-asses before. Those guys are feather pillows compared to the beasts and murderers you rub up against later.


By Gabe – March 5, 2004

I just wanted to let you all know that page 2 of our four page Painkiller comic is now available(click on downloads).

If It Ain't Broke

By Tycho – March 5, 2004

Picked up Phantasy Star Online 3 Wednesday, and it ain't bad. Humans seemed surprised when I claimed enthusiasm regarding the card-oriented gameplay shift, heresy of heresies, but by now it's probably clear that I could replace anything, everything in the world with a card that represents it and feel nothing but pleasure. Conceptually, yes, I do like the idea that the events of even the prior PSO games could be described by the card metaphor - that the structures and definitions retain meaning across a mechanical shift. As all this poetry here might imply, I was ready and waiting for a new interpretation of the game.

New Wallpaper

By Gabe – March 3, 2004

Yesterday I posted one of the concept drawings I did for our upcoming Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow comic book. I say “comic book” because this project is actually sixteen pages long. Anyway it seems a lot of you wanted a larger version of that drawing in the form of a wallpaper. So here you go:


The Precise Location Of Villainy

By Tycho – March 3, 2004

I just can't get enough of those Infinium guys. It looks like the HardOCP thing has gone into Round Two, with HardOCP making some concessions which aren't really concessions and Infinium burning down an old folks' home. I mean, not burning one down. Now that the lawyers are out, perhaps it's best to be circumspect. One did burn down, though. Maybe they did it and maybe they didn't.


By Gabe – March 2, 2004

I didn’t see that Tycho had mentioned Far Cry. How embarrassing.

PA Presents

By Gabe – March 2, 2004

Well we made it back from Ubercon in one piece. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to see us over the weekend. Also a big thanks the Ubercon staff for putting on such a great event!