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By Tycho – March 19, 2004

I thought for sure I had uploaded everything last night, but when I woke up this morning the server was under heavy load and wasn't displaying them. Either that or I dreamed I uploaded them, in which case... Wow. That's a boring fucking dream.

Green Blackboards (And Other Anomalies)

By Tycho – March 19, 2004

I'll go into it with much more specificity at a later date - maybe Monday - but Unreal Tournament 2004 is a great game and an almost ridiculous value. It's only flaw isn't in code - it's in the human beings that feel like they have a license to say whatever they want because they bought the copy that includes a headset.

Pandora Tomorrow PC Demo

By Tycho – March 17, 2004

What's more, it looks like they're giving away the Train level, for God's sake. The Train level really defines what this game is trying to get at as far as I'm concerned, I'd never give it away. Maybe that's just me.

New Splinter Cell Wallpaper!

By Gabe – March 17, 2004

I have a bad ass new Splinter Cell wallpaper for you guys. As I mentioned earlier James Rochelle is doing all the colors for this project and I think he did an awesome job on this piece.


I'm Turning Vietnamese

By Tycho – March 17, 2004

There are maps in the game which depict the civil element of Vietnam, and put North versus South. Humans are suggesting that perhaps I was playing one of these maps when my avatar was speaking Vietnamese. I don't believe so, as I recall the flag that represents my country up in the corner. Sometimes I'm wrong about things, though.


By Gabe – March 17, 2004

Hawk from was cool enough to color the Ninja Gaiden drawing I posted yesterday. He’s got a real nice high res version of it available over on his site for anyone interested in using it as a wallpaper. Hawk does awesome work and it was a real treat to have him color one of my drawings.

Vietnam Is Actually Kind Of Complex

By Tycho – March 17, 2004

Jesus, so what do I talk about today? UT2004 retail? Battlefield Vietnam? Pandora Tomorrow? I know a shit ton about Pandora Tomorrow, I could probably go on all day. The comic's about Battlefield, though - I suppose that's as good as anything.


By Gabe – March 15, 2004

I may not respond to all the mail I get, but I do read it all. I’ve gotten quite a few requests for a Ninja Gaiden drawing. Since I happen to be totally hooked on the game myself I am more than happy to deliver a little Ryu Hyabusa drawing.


Torun Jax, Blind Jedi

By Tycho – March 15, 2004

I mean, they fight using extrasensory perception. Just because he can't read the back of a cereal box doesn't make him any less dangerous.

WSA chat

By Gabe – March 12, 2004

I just wanted to mention that Tycho and I will be taking part in a panel this Monday evening at Digipen. We will be discussing online games along with Geoff Zatkin from Monolith Productions. It costs ten bucks if you aren’t a WSA member, and you can register to attend right here. There isn’t a lot of space, so if listening to us yap about games for a couple hours sounds like fun to you, I recommend signing up ASAP.

Splinter Cell Comic Is Up

By Tycho – March 12, 2004

You can check it out, if you want - look for it in the downloads section, along with the two alternate covers(!!!). Making a Splinter Cell story, even a side story like the one we're doing, is something I honestly consider a priviledge. We chose to dramatize a round of the multiplayer mode, and there's more than enough material there to work with.

The Hipness Threshold

By Tycho – March 12, 2004

I was amazed to find that Charles was the most requested sketch at the Ubercon. Why does the East love him so? I have no idea. At any rate, after our recent experience at the Apple Store it seemed like a good opportunity to utilize the character and (potentially) bring pleasure to an entire coast.



By Gabe – March 11, 2004

I just got a mail from Jason Gavin, one of the guys behind the new show Game Over. He asked if I could pass along some info to you guys since tonight is the big premier of their show on UPN. Here is what he had to say:

A Common Ailment

By Tycho – March 10, 2004

If the internal browser is any indication, they've really struck a chord with Unreal Tournament 2004's Onslaught. It certainly struck a chord with me.


By Gabe – March 9, 2004

Okay, about fourty-five minutes and seven hundred emails later I think I have a pretty clear idea of what you guys think about more “news” posts. It’s actually pretty cool how much alike all your answers were. I’d say about 99% of the emails I got sounded pretty much like this one:


By Gabe – March 9, 2004

I am kind of curious if you guys find stuff like the above post valuable. There are so many sites out there that post news, I just never figured it was something we needed to do. I mean, we are on all the same lists that these other sites are on. I get the same press releases they do. Would you guys like it if we posted this sort of thing more often?