While we were gone, it looks like they put up the first page of our Far Cry comic.
Ubercon Sketchbook: Epilogue
The first page of the Painkiller project is up over at the official site. I'm partial to this one, I've got to say - it's only four pages, but it's got a few really interesting moments.
Ubercon Sketchbook: Inadvisable Cuisine
Every time I leave my house, I do not presume that I will ever return there.
X2 Demo
I was always really curious about this space sim, as it purportedly contained all genres. Never did get around to buying it, which makes me appreciate the demo they released today even more.
I’m sort of excited about the flight tomorrow. Normally the prospect of a six our plane ride would get me pretty anxious. However this time I have a secret weapon on my side to help battle my paranoia. Drugs! I was given a prescription for Ativan before a recent dentist appointment and I still have one of the two tablets given to me. I gotta say this I was blown away by how much the Ativan helped with my anxiety. It didn’t just help, it got rid of it entirely. In its place was a carefree feeling of contentment with just a hint of drowsiness. I sat there in the car while Kara drove me to the dentist marveling at my new found easy-going demeanor. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow, is this what normal humans feel like??E
Let the Dog go!
You might remember that on Monday we said that Tim Roberts, CEO of Infinium Labs can’t have an orgasm unless he kills a dog. Well apparently Tim felt compelled to respond to our comic on the Infinium Labs?EForum. The thread has since been deleted but a quick thinking PA fan was smart enough to grab a screen shot of Tim’s post. Here it is in all its glory:
There's a couple things I neglected to mention.
Server Trouble
It won't let me upload the strip in the civilized, normal person way, so let me just put a link directly to the file here and call it good.
If You Siege One Dungeon This Summer
On the strength of Uwe Boll's truly stupendous House Of The Dead movie, it's no surprise that he was entrusted with the rights to Fear Effect, Far Cry, Bloodrayne, and Dungeon Siege. Far Cry consciously emulates big-budget, Bruckheimer style action films, so somebody making a movie out of it doesn't startle. I don't hesitate for a moment when I say that a Fear Effect movie could be something striking indeed, a worthy candidate for conversion to animation specifically. In the right hands, even Bloodrayne - a game where a vampire dominatrix battles Nazi legions - I mean, I can conceive of a mental state where watching (or, indeed, creating) such a film would not result in injury. But Dungeon Siege? Put aside the fact that this director isn't capable of communicating with film - what, precisely, would this movie be about?
New Language Has Been Created!
One of my favorite things about gaming is that it necessitates the creation of many, many terms to describe the scenarios unique to the passtime - and LAN parties are optimal conditions for the production of words. Every map needs words, every situation must have a sort of "tag" that can be employed to depict the totality of it succinctly. It has the side-benefit of being internal, secret language, so even if someone hears it they don't actually know what you're talking about.
Comic Books!
I made a trip to the comic book store yesterday and I picked up some really good stuff that I wanted to share with you. I used to be quite the comic book reader when I was younger. I stopped reading around the time Image came out and ruined the industry by flooding the market with shitty, over priced books. Occasionally I’ll pick up a copy of Usagi or some random Spiderman Issue but I haven’t really been able to get back into reading comics on a regular basis. I guess that’s just because I didn’t know the right books to read.
Stop Pretending You're A Real Company
We've really done everything we can to enrage Infinium Labs, but apparently our efforts up until now have been unsatisfactory. Hopefully our most recent salvo will warrant the proper response.
PA Mobile Portal
People with Hiptops or Treos or any sort of portable internet device will appreciate the repairs Ramius just made to the mobile portal - nine out of ten times, the strip for the day is included there along with any posts.
High Employee Turnover
The new Official Xbox Magazine just arrived at my house, and clearly ninja stock is up. The new Tenchu is on the coverdisc, very nice of them I thought, but like so many others I've been craving the chance to finally play the new Ninja Gaiden that's on there.
Elf Only Inn!
Comixpedia had a Valentine's Day event called Blind Date, wherein they paired up different cartoonists to convey the true meaning of Christmas. I mean, Valentines Day.