It is precisely because of things like this Nintendo DS stuff that continuity in a gaming comic is inadvisable. Profound events emerge from nowhere, just when you're lacerating your most loyal readers - but we're staying the course. Did you hear that Thief III will have a third-person mode? We're staying the course.
Rainbow Six, Page um... Six
Page Six is available, just like I said.
Wouldn't you know it, the second I declare with certainty that nothing is happening, things immediately begin to stir.
Dungeons And Something Else, Part One
Though it may well ransom my eternal soul, we even now consort with demonic powers in the production of a heinous act of continuity. I would cross myself, but I can never remember how that is supposed to go, and I don't want to risk hell for doing it backwards. Consorting with, you know, demons notwithstanding.
There Is A New The Hook Up
The new The Hook Up can be found here. Stormy also wanted you to know that his mail has been messed up, that's sort of my fault actually, but if you had a question for him regarding the nexus of gaming and home theater do not hesitate to run it by him.
Comixpedia Review
There is a review of our site over at Comixpedia. I have no material complaints with it, and they were kind - perhaps almost deferent - to what we try to accomplish. I don't know how to feel about the position we occupy in the context of Webcomics, I honestly try not to think about it. The one thing I do know, we could kill another webcomic creator in cold blood and get away with it.
Channeling Kevin Smith
Where I was initially resolved to merely tolerate the Van Helsing trailer, the two hundred subsequent viewings have warmed me to it considerably. Using crosses as weapons is not only reverent, it's awesome. Van Helsing is demonstrably a bad-ass, even loose coalitions of superheroes and satellites are no match for him under theoretical conditions. Though, I will concede that the inclusion of absolutely every monster ever does gild the lily a bit.
Crusher to the Bridge!
I wonder if it’s harder for Tycho to write is news post now, knowing that the son of Jack and Beverly Crusher apparently reads the page regularly. Wesley has made mention of us no less than three times that I am aware of, most recently to comment on our Child’s Play endeavor. It’s just cool to think about him out there on the planet Dorvan V, living with a tribe of American Indians under Cardassian jurisdiction and still finding the time to read PA.
I know I should just ignore him, but it’s hard! He’s so fucking crazy!
I Can See The Start Of A Tiny Halo
Apparently someone said a bad word. Someone did not think of the children, as we are often exhorted to do because they are defenseless human larvae. For our part, we have no authority to discuss coarse language as a social ill. It has been so long since we could genuinely discern profanity from the mass of other words we employ that we're the last people you should ask whether or not a particular word will plant a demon seed in our young.
Coming Thursdays On UPN
While I certainly appreciate the passage of the CAN-SPAM Act, and think the people behind it must have been very clever indeed to produce such a name, it is a shame this cleverness was not invested in perhaps a superior bill that would accomplish something akin to its stated aim. There are certainly tools (or combinations thereof) which the desperate user may stack atop one another to form a bulwark - but I had that stuff before legislators pretended to care about unsolicited e-mail. Legally, what we need is something mad stringent - something to make those motherfuckers hoof it door to door if they want to talk to me about my dick so bad. Of course, any discussion of Spam must necessarily include Brad's Outside The Inbox compilation. Also, Monty Python. I'm just covering all the bases, I don't want that Monty Python fan writing me that letter in all caps.
If you are wondering why I have not posted much as of late I can finally show you why.
Remember that scene in the Bourne Identity where Matt Damon is running up the stairs in the US embassy and there is that dude at the top and Matt sucker punches him square in the stones? That’s what Sonic Heroes is like. It’s a hard jab right to your Chao farm.
Rainbow Six Page 5
It's available now, if you're into that.
Gabriel And Friends
It became clear as we were writing the strip that it could not really capture what we were trying to say regarding Sonic Heroes, and that another method might need to be employed toward that end. Eventually, we settled on "language" as a means of communicating ideas.
The Comic That Heals
Top Spin is pretty great, I don't know if you've played it. Gabriel tells me that - outside the inevitable domestic arguments - it's also highly amusing online. Two things about it you need to know, really.