During the beta for Final Fantasy XI, we felt the exquisite new pleasures that had been designed by SquareSoft. Yes, it's pretty much an MMORPG, no, aside from fantastic art direction there isn't all that much to distinguish it, but as I said in a related post I play these games basically as a way to hang out. Once I learned that
Talk about games and make some money
I just got a mail from a PA fan who works at a “Chicago-based brand strategy circus monkey and market research firm” Okay I added the bit about monkeys but it still sounds like a blast. Anyway I guess they are doing some kind of test and they want to know what you think of online games. Here is the message he asked me to post:
Hi, do you work at Paypal? Can you help me with my mother fucking business account?
Sin City
I put a couple hours into Castlevania: Lament of Backtracking the other day. I got bored with it and figured I’d never play it again. I decided that it deserved more than that though so I went back to it on Saturday and really invested some time it. Unfortunately it didn’t change my opinion of the game any. It’s just okay. It’s not a bad game but it’s also not great. Any other month I could see myself really getting into it. The problem is that it came out at the same time as Crimson Skies, which is a fucking great game. When I look at the next couple of weeks and see games like Final Fantasy XI, Top Spin, Call of Duty and Gladius I just can’t imagine investing anymore time in Castlevania for a long time. I decided what I would do is stick it on the shelf and wait for next summer when game releases are few and far between. Then I’ll crack out Castlevania and I’ll probably really enjoy it. Like an old lady canning vegetables for those lean winter months, I’m packing away games now during harvest season in the hopes that they will nourish me through the long dry summer.
The Other Belmonts
Not every man of the Belmont clan is constructed for proper vampire combat, as today's strip reveals. PS2's been busted, so I haven't had a chance to play this new one. I heard it was alright.
Page three of our Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon comic is available. Things really kick into gear on this page with some cool action. I had a decision to make about how I would treat the Green Destiny. In the movies it’s essentially just a kick ass sword. In the comics it’s a magical kick ass sword that spouts green fire and creates spinning vortexes of doom. I decided it would be more fun to use the Green Destiny from the comics. If you liked our CTHD comic, I highly recommend picking up the mini series done by Andy Seto.
Picture time
By now some of you should have received the shirts and hoodies and stuff that you ordered from the PA store. We would love to get some pictures of people decked out in their PA gear. If you have the ability to snap a picture of yourself could you do so and send it to Brad? Thanks you guys are swell.
The Phantom
PA reader Glaximus recently had the opportunity to attend a PR presentation for the Phantom console in Florida. He was kind enough to write up his thoughts on the event for us. Here is a little clip from the article:
Crimson Lies
You can see our friend Robert there in today's strip, at least, I think he's still our friend. Of course, you also see Gabe. But when is that anything to celebrate?
Objectdock Icon
If you went out and downloaded Objectdock like Tycho told you to then you might be interested in this. It’s a fancy little PA icon I made especially for Objectodock. This is my first attempt at making an icon and this particular one is version 2.1. It was fun though and I’ll probably do some more soon.
I Picked up Crimson Skies and Castlevania today. It’s too early to say what I think of Castlevania, but CS is a fucking hoot. It sports some of the best multiplayer since MechAssault. Anyway, I’ll be online late tonight playing Wild Chicken if anyone is interested.
Outside The Inbox
It's been a long time coming, but here it is - the Outside The Inbox compilation. Brad got the whole thing together, that's Brad of Brad Sucks, Strip Creator, In4mador and Lowpass fames. I'm astounded by some of the songs on there, specifically add's Do You Measure Up, 15-16 Puzzle's Erik, Someone Wants To Date You, Justin Bacon's My Parent's Are Gone For The Weekend, and of course Brad's own Look And Feel Years Younger. If it was not already clear, every song is titled after Spam and many songs deal explicitly with the subject. In some cases, quite explicitly.
Gabe received quite a bit of mail saying that it was perfectly normal - even natural - for a young man to desire an Apple Cinema Display. That's fine. Buy actually purchasing an Apple, that's beyond the pale. God only knows what's beyond the pale, hues presumably, but it's commonly understood that you should avoid that region if possible.
Safety In The Workplace
We are both extremely fond of Jak II, and though we might try to associate a number with our enjoyment there is no number in all of imagination to describe it. To look at it, the urban hub (for example) dense with vehicles, activity, and raw polygons, it gives one the impression that Naughty Dog has discovered some secret processor in the machine - hidden, perhaps, under one of the other ones. I can run around from hell to breakfast, over diverse zones stealing hoverbikes and flying across towns, and I never see a loading screen while I look at amazing graphics and have fun braving their innovations in the tried and true platform style of gameplay. Like all platform games, it skirts the credible with its ridiculous, useless machines and convenient dangers.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Comic
Ubisoft has posted page 2 of our Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon comic. It’s sort of funny that I spent all morning thinking about how close I came to giving up drawing comics and focusing on traditional art.Now drawing comics is what I do for a living and I'm lucky enough to work with characters like the ones in Crouching Tiger. I’m really proud of the work we did on this comic so go check it out and let me know what you think.
Comixpedia has posted their interview with us in which we answer questions posed by the community. Thankfully we don’t come off as the huge assholes that we really are.