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By Gabe – June 20, 2003

Now that the NDA is no longer hanging over my head I thought I would elaborate a bit on why I won’t be purchasing SWG right away.


By Tycho – June 20, 2003

That is a reasonable assumption.


By Gabe – June 20, 2003

As you all hopefully know the Penny Arcade gaming day is this Monday at Lanwerx. We spent a couple hours last night working out the ladder for the big SC2 tournament that is scheduled to take place Monday evening at 6:00. This is a huge 64 player tourney and the logistics of it were pretty tough to manage. Earlier I had said it would be a double elimination tournament but as we began calculating the time required for that sort of event it became clear that we would be at Lanwerx until 3:00 in the damn morning. Seeing as they close at midnight this was not going to work. What we decided to do is make the tournament a single elimination tourney instead. I apologize if this ruins anyone’s birthday party. So here is how it’s gonna be set up:

A Grave Scenario

By Tycho – June 20, 2003

Obviously, I have nothing to say regarding Gabriel's recent struggle at EB other than to offer some helpful advice. Lord knows I'm not the man to come to when your retail resolve falters, I just buy things - I can't help it. Even those ten dollar bins they have represent a danger to my finances that I can't even begin to describe to you.


Star Wars Galaxies

By Gabe – June 18, 2003

I have gotten a few mails from people asking how they will be able to meet up with me in Star Wars Galaxies when it ships next week. The quick answer is you won’t. See, I’m not actually gonna get it. Not right away at any rate. I can’t really talk about why right now, I may make another post once the game ships. There is a good chance I’ll pick it up when player owned vehicles come around or I might just wait and take another look at it when the space expansion launches. Either way you won’t be seeing me in the game anytime soon. I apologize if this puts a damper on your galaxies fun. Don’t worry though, you’ll be having so much fun running for hours between towns that you won’t even notice I’m missing.

Of Tombs

By Tycho – June 18, 2003

Despite rather expensive efforts to the contrary, I'm no more excited about a new Tomb Raider game than I would be to fish a quarter out of a urinal. It's not even that I have misgivings about it. I have nothing about it.

New Hookup

By Gabe – June 16, 2003

A new Hookup is available. We had the opportunity to hang out with Stormy down at E3 for a while and he represents and interesting dichotomy. First of all he does not look like us. That is to say he does not look like a dork. He is tall, in good shape and fashionably dressed. I’ll admit when he first came over and introduced himself to me I was not to keen on him. He was sporting some kind of ultra fancy motorcycle jacket and a pair of sunglasses that probably cost more than my car. He exuded confidence and he reeked of testosterone. He had a look about him that made it seem like he could at any minute begin lifting weights or fucking a woman. This is not the sort of person I normally hang out with.


By Gabe – June 16, 2003

Here is the list of people who have signed up for the Soul Calibur 2 tournament. Remember if your name is on this list we’d like for you to check in a half hour before the tournament starts. Since we plan to kick things off at 6:00pm that means we want to see your smiling faces at 5:30pm.


Munich, Germany

By Tycho – June 16, 2003

I just finished a beer that was so large that I had to lift it with both hands. Really, the

I Think We're Alone Now

By Gabe – June 16, 2003

The new comic is up. With no Tycho around to torment I have been forced to turn my attention to my other friends. I called my buddy Robert a CockMonkey and then made an obscene gesture that involved a lot of thrusting on my part as well as some well choreographed hand motions. His feelings were hurt and I think he might have cried a little, but it just wasn't the same.


It's Fun When Your Balls Swell

By Tycho – June 13, 2003

I keep hoping I'll see that fuckhole Rick Steves while I'm over here. Yes, that Rick Steves, PBS Rick Steves, Mr. Knows All About Europe, I'm Going To Punch Him In The Face Rick Steves.


By Gabe – June 11, 2003

The Necrowombicon is approaching and we here at the arcade are getting pretty damn excited. For those of you unfamiliar with the wombicon let me break it down for you. Imagine a two day Penny Arcade festival full of videogames, music and dorks just like you and I. Tycho and I along with a few members of the PA crew will be in attendance again this year. You can find all the details here along with instructions on how to register for the event. This will be our third Wombicon and I can tell you with all honestly it is shaping up to be the best ever.